FFG: Test Drive KeyForge at Pre-Launch Events

KeyForge is the world’s first Unique Deck Game from legendary Game Designer Richard Garfield. It’s aiming to turn the CCG World on it’s head and you can give it a shot at a Pre-launch event near you!
When Fantasy Flight Games announced KeyForge as a Unique Deck Game I was very curious. “Every deck is different” is the battlecry of this game and while the goals of the game are simple, how you accomplish those goals changes greatly depending on the deck you’re getting. I’m still not sure what to think but I am interested in giving it a test run. Thankfully, FFG has thought of that too!
Starting November 10th, KeyForge Pre-Launch Events offer attendees a chance to get their hands on the world’s first Unique Deck Game ahead of its official launch!
- Learn how to play, and sample the game’s thrilling, back-and-forth gameplay.
- Gain a custom lanyard and glossary card when you play a game in a participating retailer.
- Claim a pin for your favorite House when you purchase your first Archon deck.
The Full List of Participating Retailers will be finalized on October 22nd. When that page is updated, you’ll be able to check to see which Retailers are hosting the Pre-Release events. And yes, there will be both US and International Retailers!
The official Launch Parties begin on November 15th so these events represent your first chance to get some test games in before the Launch Party Tournaments. KeyForge will have Organized Play support and will definitely have a competitive scene – if you want to get in early at the ground floor of this game mark your calendars for both the 10th and the 15th!
Are you the Keymaster Archon?!