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Forge World Teases New Titan Transfer Sheet

3 Minute Read
Oct 22 2018
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Adeptus Titanicus is getting some love from Forge World with a new Transfer Sheet for the Legio Mortis. But are they also teasing something else on the horizon?

Forge World has a TON of Transfer Sheets for the different Space Marine and Titan Legions. Today Warhammer Community is showing off another one of these useful time saving sheets – this time for Adeptus Titanicus.

via Warhammer Community

Complimenting the transfer sheets found in theĀ Adeptus Titanicus kitsthemselves, the Legio Mortis transfer sheet is ideal for fans of this most sinister Titan Legion, replete with iconographs, honorifics and embellishments.

It’s a pretty good looking sheet, especially if you’re Legio Mortis! These icons will save you time and look fantastic on your miniature titans. While we don’t have an exact date on when these will be released, GW has said the pre-orders will be “soon” and recommended players to go ahead and start painting their titans now.

Wild Speculation Commencing…

There is one more thing that is conspiracy inducing about this post and that is the picture of the Titan they chose to use:


Take a close look at the weapon load-out for this titan. It’s rocking three different weapon options compared to the ones in the Warlord Box:

Why would they chose to use those options when they aren’t available? Maybe it’s just stock art that they had. Maybe they just wanted to change things up a bit. Or maybe they wanted to give us another clue hiding in plain sight!

Remember: all those weapon options have rules already and they are included in the box set. And GW designed the weapons for use with magnets – they know these weapons are ready to be swapped out. Players are just waiting for the new weapons to show-up. Now, I’m personally curious if we are going to get these weapons as alternative plastic kits or if we will have to order special resin versions from Forge World.

Warlord Weapon Sprue


It really seems like GW future proofed their product. They could easily package a new weapon accessory sprue based on the weapon sprue from the Warlord kit. Plus it would be nice to get some alternate head options as well. Plus, I’m confident that if they have the CAD versions of the large Resin casts of the Warlord Titan, shirking them down to Adeptus Titanicus level should be pretty easy:

Like this, but smaller.


What do you think? At the very least I’m expecting more Transfer Sheets for the different Titan Legions. And possibly more rules for them in the future…



Author: Adam Harrison
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