Ghal Maraz LIVES! MAN AT ARMS: REFORGED Brings Sigmar’s Hammer to Life

After a tidal wave of requests, Ghal Maraz is forged in all its insane and oversized glory. Then it’s HAMMERTIME!
Today the MAN AT ARMS blacksmiths forge the legendary Ghal Maraz, the hammer used by Sigmar Heldenhammer used in Warhammer Fantasy Battle.
- Kerry Stagmer – Swordsmith and Machinist
- Matt Stagmer- Swordsmith / Master Blade Grinder –
- Ilya Alekseyev – Bladesmith / Arms Master
- Lauren Schott – Goldsmith and Casting
- John Mitchell – Fabricator
- Ferenc Gregor – Master Carver
- Bill Collison- Assistant Blade Grinder
- Rick Janney- Assistant Smith
- Tanner Saslow – Machinist/Knifemaker
Ghal Maraz in Action
Yeah it’s a big one, and barely wieldable by mere mortal men. But those Chaos abominations wont be smashing themselves to pulp…
DIE foul Chaos Watermelon! I sense the power of Khorne with your Nurglish hide!
After witnessing the slaying of two Chaos Coconut brethren, the third almost always find’s it’s delicious tongue loosened!
Only minions of Slaanesh would draw Chaos Strawberry Milk into their thrice-damned bodies – DIE pink abomination!
~What Warhamer weapon should they make next?