Star Wars X-Wing: Taking A Look At The T-70 X-Wing

The T-70 X-Wing is the Resistance version of the iconic namesake of the game. Today, we’re making the jump to hyperspace with the new 2.0 version and seeing what this ship has under the hood!
Star Wars: X-Wing 2.0 is in full swing and the next wave of ships is on the flight deck. Now that the Resistance and First Order are on their own and are unique factions, Fantasy Flight Games is updating their ships as well. Today, we look at the Resistance’s go-to ship – The T-70 X-Wing!
Within this expansion, Resistance players will find everything they need to add a flashy new T-70 to their X-Wing squadrons. A single finely detailed and fully painted miniature is accompanied by twelve ship cards, including nine unique pilots ready to take up the fight. Meanwhile, six upgrade cards give you plenty of options for outfitting your T-70 to your exact specifications and four Quick Build cards offer suggested combinations of pilots and upgrades to get your T-70 into the fight right away.
Meet The New Classic
Before we get to far into the ship, it’s important to take a look at this basics. The T-70 has a pretty respectable stat-line across the board. It’s got a focus, lock and boost action innate. The ship also features a Weapon Hardpoint – something that really differentiates it from it’s Rebel counter-part.
Above you can see a selection of the generic pilots. They range from the basic Blue Squadron Rookie at initiative 1 and go up to the deadly Black Squadron Ace at initiative 4. All of these options are going to be cheaper than a unique pilot of similar initiative and can go toe-to-toe with most ships in the game no problem.
Under The Hood
Like it’s Rebel cousin, the T-70 also has S-Foils innate. These can be open or closed and provide a slightly different set of bonuses. With the S-foils open, the ship functions beautifully. But when you close them, you get access to the Barrel Roll and Focus -> Barrel Roll linked action. The additional actions do come at the price of having to line up your shot in the bulls-eye to get all your attack dice.
The Unique Pilots
We can’t talk about the T-70 without mentioning the top Resistance Ace Poe Dameron. Clocking in at initiative 6, he can bring the pain on the tabletop. His pilot ability allows him to preform an additional white action by spending his recurring charge token. This becomes red, but using it wisely will allow you to double-up on the action economy. We all know how effective that can be!
While we’re talking about Poe, let’s also take a look at the T-70’s title card Black One. This card allows you to perform a one-time SLAM action. If you’ve seen the Last Jedi, you know where the inspiration for this one came from.
Next up we have Kare Kun. She has the ability to use the Boost action with the 1 Hard turn templates in addition to the standard Boost options. This gives her the ability to have 5 end-points after a boost which can be very advantageous!
Joph Seastriker gets an evade toke after losing a shield. This is an interesting mechanic that can be exploited with the right astromech droid feeding him shields back or with the right wingmen like…
Lieutenant Bastian can acquire a lock on a ship that has just taken damage. Keep in mind that CAN be a friendly ship. Why would you want to lock a friendly? Check the new astromech section below for more info! Alternatively, this can help setup an attack run on an enemy ship in the future.
Jaycris Tubbs is a great wingmen to help manage other ship’s stress. He might not be the best pilot, but his calming presence can be very useful at lower initiative levels.
If you’re looking for some suggested builds, here are the quick build options also included. Poe is looking PRETTY fast with all those options onboard!
It wouldn’t be T-70 without BB-8! This little droid is back and just as effective as last edition. Spend a charge before you execute a blue maneuver and you can perform a boost or barrel roll action!
BB-8 isn’t the only BB droid around either! The “generic” BB Astromech droid has a very similar function and can help get other ships going just as well.
And finally, M9-G8 is back and will allow you to force a re-roll on an attack dice for a ship that you have locked. Now that re-roll could be on a ship attacking YOU – or you could use this ability on a friendly ship you have locked as well.
That’s all for now X-Wing Aces – keep an eye out for the T-70 X-Wing due out later this year!
T-70 X-Wing Expansion Pack $19.95
Upgraded for maximum tactical flexibility, the Incom-FreiTek T-70 X-wing can equip a wide variety of astromechs, weapons, and other customizations preferred by individual pilots. These heroes of the Resistance Starfighter Corps have used their X-wings to great effect in countless missions against the First Order.
In addition to the beautifully detailed, pre-painted miniature, the T-70 X-Wing Expansion Pack contains twelve ship cards, including nine unique pilots, six upgrade cards, and the tokens, base, pegs, and maneuver dial you need to grow your Resistance forces. Additionally, this expansion contains a few entirely new cards not seen in the first edition. These cards and associate punchboard are also included in the Resistance Conversion Kit for the benefit of veteran players.
General Hux, Line One…