Tabletop Spotlight: Magic Item Cards – GF9
Today on Tabletop Spotlight, we take you through a deck of many things–the Magic Item Card deck from Gale Force 9. Full of both tricks and treats you can hand out to your players, these are a perfect game aid for any DM’s table.
Magic Items are a part of any adventurer’s hopes and dreams, if not essential gear. Whether a humble healing potion, or something as exotic as a Figurine of Wondrous Power, these are an iconic part of the game. You find enchanted treasure and, if you’re lucky and it’s not cursed (or a mimic) get some cool new things you can do. The Magic Item Card deck makes it easy to add them into any game.
With 292 cards in the set, the Magic Item deck has everything you need to make a magic item work. These are one of the better game aids out there–you won’t find most of the magic items players will use in the Player’s Handbook–they’re in the Dungeon Master’s Guide or they’re elsewhere in an adventure. It makes it hard to keep track of what everything does. This deck makes it that much easier to keep your players invested in what they have. No more last minute scrambling to look up a rule, or realization after the adventure is done that you had an immovable rod the whole time.
Now you can just hand a player a card with everything they need on it. Some of these cards come with a wall of text, as you can see in the video, but that’s what you want. It’s there for the players to consider the whole time–they’ll know exactly what they have, what it does, and have their own ideas about when to use it.
Until next time, Happy Adventuring!