40K: AdeptiCon Approaches – Register Today, Win Glory Tomorrow

AdeptiCon starts to cast its shadow on the horizon. Come register today to take part in one of the longest running events in all of Warhammer. Competitive tournaments, epic narrative games, AdeptiCon has it all.
AdeptiCon is a massive weekend* of gaming–now entering its 17th year. You can scratch pretty much any gaming itch you have at the event. Whether you’re looking to play roleplaying games, drop into a game of Battletech or Warmachine, you can find it there. But where AdeptiCon really shines is in the worlds of Warhammer. With massive 40K tournaments and narrative events, demos, tips, seminars, and more–if you’re playing in the grim darkness of the distant future, or the grim darkness of the mortal realms, this is the place to be. And registration for AdeptiCon is live today.
via Warhammer Community
Registration for AdeptiCon is now open – here’s your chance to be part of one of the world’s biggest Warhammer events ever.
Still here? In case you’ve forgotten, AdeptiCon is one of the world’s longest-running and most famous Warhammer events (it’s even Warhammer Community Approved), bringing hundreds of players together for everything from tightly fought matched play tournaments to sprawling narrative events. Held this year at the Renaissance Center in Schaumburg, Illinois (just outside Chicago), on the 27th-31st of March, we’re incredibly excited about AdeptiCon 2019, as are the hundreds of hobbyists currently buying their tickets!
You can find a listing of their event schedule (which spans Wednesday-Sunday) which features a number of games, seminars, and demos–or check out this latest preview of their Hobby Seminars.
As AdeptiCon 2019 registration draws nigh, we are incredibly proud to once again offer a mind-boggling slate of Hobby Seminars, ranging from airbrushing to sculpting, color theory to base coating, from painting merciless, genetically modified Space Marines to totes adorable Chibis. This year’s catalog of hobby classes, seminars, and workshops has something for everyone, whether you are a multi-award winning artist or you’re picking up the brush for the first time.
It looks like this AdeptiCon is going to be an exciting one folks. So sign up today–March is closer than you think.
What events are you excited about? Let us know in the comments!