40K: Blackstone Fortress Points Spotted

Not only do we now have a list of all the units in the game, we also have their point values for 40k! Check out what’s coming in Blackstone Fortress point-wise.
Blackstone Fortress is heading to the tabletop and it’s looking pretty intriguing! If it follows a similar format as the AoS Warhammer Quest it should be a pretty fun and self-contained board game. However, all those wonderful miniatures are also 100% compatible with Warhammer 40,000…so you know there are points for each and every one of them!
Chaos Force Total = 337 points
Rogue Trader Force = 290 Points
Point-wise, these are both nice, bite-sized bits you can add to an existing army. Although we don’t have a good look at their data sheets so it’s subject to change. After-all, A Kroot Merc and an Aeldari Ranger fighting alongside the Imperium? Who would have thought…
Personally, I’m thrilled to see Beastmen and Traitor Guard re-introduced into 40k! That, to me, is a much bigger deal. I’m really hoping that GW fleshes those sun-factions out at a later date. Oh and the Negavolt Cult, too!! Don’t get me wrong, it’s also great to see Ratlings get a revamp – same with the Kroot Merc – but c’mon Chaos players, you know it’s been a LONG time coming.
What do you think of these points? Are you going to be slotting these units into your existing army?