40K: I Think We’re Good On Primaris Lieutenants Now

Games Workshop really loves the new Primaris Lieutenants. But after this last one, can we maybe get a new Captain or Librarian or really any other character?
There is no denying that Space Marine Lieutenants are super useful. They are mini Captains and have a game winning aura ability with their re-roll 1s to wound for units within 6″ of them. In fact, if you have a Captain and a Lieutenant by a unit of Hellblasters they can drop the toughest targets in the game, no sweat! I understand why they are popular – plus they are a “new” unit option in the HQ slot (although you could argue that they existed in previous editions but as different versions of the Captain option which occupied the same HQ slot – but now we’re just getting pedantic).
Anyways, Games Workshop’s model sculptors seemed to really get into the idea of the Primaris Lieutenants. In fact, they got so into them they made NINE versions of that single HQ slot! No seriously, we checked:
You’ve got your Blood Angel, Dark Angel, and Space Wolf versions and then you’ve got 5(!) Ultramarine/generic Primaris Lieutenants for a total of 9 versions! I don’t think GW has ever made 9 versions of any non-troop model before. At most we’ve seen 3 or 4 versions of a character over the past 8 EDITIONS – this is 9 completely new and different single pose models that are all for the same slot AND they have all been introduce in the same edition!
Now I know some of you are thinking, “yeah, but some of these are special editions or limited release” and yes, that is accurate. But they still exist and are “legal” for the game table as a part of your army. Games Workshop went a little bonkers for Lieutenants this edition is all we are saying. Maybe spread the love around? How about another new Captain model? What about a new Chaplain? Hey, Librarians can take different weapons have you considered different models for them? And what about a Primaris Techmarine? Just tossing that out there…
“I didn’t even get a Primaris Upgrade option and the new guy got NINE!”
So is nine different Lieutenants enough? I mean they could always make a Lieutenant in Gravis Armor…