AoS BREAKING: Blood And Glory Reveals – Khorne, Slaanesh, And Gobbos

Hey folks, we’re bringing you all the latest news from the Blood and Glory event–come see what’s next for the Age of Sigmar! Some exciting stuff awaits, with a look at the new Khorne and Slaanesh models, as well as a glimpse of the next Battletome.
GW has dropped some swanky new hotness in their new Studio Preview, showcasing what’s next for the Age of Sigmar. This has some exciting implications for any Chaos Players out there, because Khorne and Slaanesh will be taking the center stage very soon. Wrath and Rapture, it turns out, is Khorne vs. Slaanesh, pitting Khorne’s colonels (and lower ranked daemons like the new Flesh Hounds) with a new battlebox full of Daemons.
Here’s a look at what’s new.
And if that’s not enough to be excited about–we also have a look at the very next Battletome. Whatever could it be?
What in the world could this possible signify?
It’s goblins. It’s goblins for days. So put on some Creedence Clearwater Revival and get ready to bring out all your goblins. You’ll need ’em.
Until next time, BoLS fans, get ready for more Chaos and Destruction!