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Blackstone Fortress: Lost and the Damned Return

3 Minute Read
Nov 1 2018
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Warhammer Quest Blackstone Fortress is quickly approaching from Games Workshop and today we have yet another teaser from them. This time, it’s the tainted Chaos followers who are stealing the show!

Games Workshop has another video out for the Blackstone Fortress and the Chaos Baddies are front and center. Get ready to fight the good fight in a race against the followers of chaos to the center of the Blackstone Fortress:

Hostiles Inbound

The first enemies we see are very clearly abhumans. Horns and goat legs? Those certainly aren’t Tzaangors…but they could be close relations.

Like this, only more beastman-like.

We’ve also got a glimpse of an Ur-Ghul – this creature hails from the Drukhari roster, but it’s showing up in the Blackstone Fortress as an enemy. Maybe this is a clue to the history of the Fortress itself…


Note the unmistakable like of eyes…

We’ve also got some Rogue Guardsmen – aka Chaos Cultists running amok in the fortress. That certainly looks like modified standard issue guardsmen gear to me. Could this be a sign that Traitor Guard are coming back?!


Well now – that certainly looks like a Chaos Marine sitting at the head of a horde of followers. They have some pretty bright gear on them as well…Fallen Adeptus Mechanicus? How cool would that be!!!

via Warhammer Community

Negavolt Cultists express their heretical devotion by despoiling machinery and corrupting the function of sacred technologies through daemonic invocations and abstruse rituals. Such cults can often be found on planets controlled by theĀ Adeptus Mechanicus.

Lost and the Damned?

The last time we had a Lost and the Damn army was the Codex: Eye of Terror back in 2003!

With the modern era of 40k and all the allies shennagians, this could be a good way to combine some of those Imperial units with Chaos. Just think of all the Soup-listsĀ  that would come from that…


Okay, you know what – I take that back. Let’s hope this is just a one-shot thing and the Blackstone Fortress will JUST be a cool game, right? It’s not like GW has ever teased new factions in other games and then those factions show up as full armies later, right?! Oh boy…

Just give me the new models. I just want to get the new models.



Author: Adam Harrison
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