Community Spotlight: An Imperator Class Titan & Other Great Conversion Work

These are some of our favorites from this week’s Miniature Monday and WIP Wednesday on Twitter and Instagram. Come take a look at what the community is working on!
Been furiously working on getting my titan maniples built for #AdeptusTitanicus, but had to take a one week detour to kitbash up this monstrosity. I give you… (my interpretation of) …the Imperator class titan!
Mostly built. Just a few details and basing left to do.
— Greyseer (@greyseer) November 20, 2018
Painted flames reflecting on his armour tonight. Quite pleased with the outcome. Long way to go but he’s looking great. #warhammer #fppaints
— FP Paint Studio (@fragplasma) November 10, 2018
Tonight’s work #MiniatureMonday
— Krielharmonic (@krielharmonic) November 20, 2018
Had a little fun converting Brother Garus from the Space Marine Heroes line into a Sergeant for my Crimson Fists. Not quite finished, but pleased with the progress and those little stick-on roundels!
Advertisement— Sonic Sledgehammer (@sonicsledge) November 16, 2018
Want to share what you’re working on? Drop it in the comments – we’d love to see what you’re creating!