D&D: Survey For Ships Asks – Ship Rules, Sink Or Swim

Dungeons and Dragons has another survey out, this time looking for feedback on the new ship/vehicle combat rules released in this month’s Unearthed Arcana. Sink or swim? Wizards wants to know.
It’s time to help shape the face of the game to come. Now ordinarily this is where I’d talk about how player feedback has helped make 5th Edition one of the most accessible and fun versions of D&D we’ve seen, and to remind folks that their surveys tuned many a subclass into the final form you saw in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything. But today I’m not doing that. Because these rules stealthily and tacitly introduce the rules for Spelljammers into the game.
Sure you have to generate your own stats for a Spelljammer, and to figure out what exactly a Spelljamming Helm does you’ll have to flip to page XX of Dungeon of the Mad Mage, but it quietly introduces the rules to the game. And if Unearthed Arcana is a testing ground for rules that might make an appearance in later books (which it is), then that means we might see more ship on ship on Spelljamming action in the future.
Now the rules aren’t exactly perfect. Depending on your sensibilities, they may be too streamlined, not streamlined enough, or just not cover some of the things you’re hoping to see. I love the various moving parts that we saw in the Unearthed Arcana, but would love to see more of them. Crews are abstracted in an elegant way, and the events you might come across while owning a ship make a lot of sense. But I’d love to feel more like the people I’ve got serving as the crew–and specifically as my officers–matter more than just unlocking the same variant actions that my ship can take in combat.
Your milage may vary, of course. But whatever your milage actually is, this is your chance to tell WotC. Click the link below to take the survey. Or if you’re interested in seeing the Ships and Naval rules in action, you need look no further. We’ve even got a sample combat for you.
Take the Of Ships and the Sea survey
Happy Adventuring!