Goatboy’s 40k List Thoughts: Freeboota Pirate Biker Gang

The only thing better than an Orky Space Pirate is an Orky Space Pirate Biker. Bring it!
Goatboy here again and if you know about my normal Ork reviews I really like the Freeboota Kultur from the current Ork Codex. It is one of those abilities that feel like a Stratagem. I think it feels like that as it depends on an action being completed and generating a Benefit to the rest of the army. For those living under a rock – the Kultur basically gives everyone within 24 inches of a unit that kills an enemy unit a +1 to hit for the rest of the Phase. This is pretty dang powerful and I think there are a lot of uses for this within the Ork army build.
This leads me into my currently think for the army list. We have to find a way for the army to generate a kill in the shooting phase in order to generate some crazy benefit for a high range of shooting option in the army. This is harder then you think as an Ork army kinda hits pretty pitifully in the shooting phase as well as the bullets normally fired are not the best to remove armor. This leads me into some other options to try and get quality damage output. Thus the use of the Mek Guns.
Of course as the Mek Guns themselves all have the Gretchin Keyword they do not gain the benefit of the Clan Kultur trait – but they still considered part of the Clan. This means the unit itself can generate the effect – just not benefit from it at all. As the Kultur only cares if the Clan unit killed something – it should allow you to get the aura to activate off of a Mek Gun or two. (If I am wrong please comment – just reading it from my standpoint etc – they are part of the Clan just can’t benefit from the Clan).
This army will just be a straight Battalion as I don’t have a ton of room to get a Brigade, don’t need all the Stratagems, and would rather not just make this a crazy horde army. So with that – lets make a Pirate Ork Biker Army.
Freeboota Batallion
HQ: Warboss, Bike, Big Choppa, Attack Squig – Warlord – Might is Right, Relic – Headwoppas Killchoppa – 91pts
HQ: Deffkilla Wartrike – 120pts
HQ: Weirdboy – (Warphead – 1CP) 62pts
Elites: Nobz X 10, Choppa/Big Choppa – 190pts
Troops: Boyz X 30, Boss Nob – Choppa/Big Choppa, Tankbusta Bombs X 3 – 215pts
Troops: Boyz X 30, Boss Nob – Choppa/Big Choppa, Tankbusta Bombs X 3 – 215pts
Troops: Boyz X 30, Boss Nob – Choppa/Big Choppa, Tankbusta Bombs X 3 – 215pts
FA: Warbikers X 12, Boss Nob, Choppa/Big Choppa – 281pts
FA: Warbikers X 12, Boss Nob, Choppa/Big Choppa – 281pts
Heavy: Bone Breaker, Big Shootas X 2, Grot Riggas – 174
Heavy: Mek Gunz X 5, Smasha Gun X 5
Pts – 1999 / CP – 7
As I have played more Ork games I keep coming back to more and more Ork Boyz. Thus the 90 boys set up. You can play them on the Backfield and just Jump up Unit after unit as needed to help give the Ork Army multiple of waves. Heck I think there will be a massed Horde Evil Suns army that can just send tons of guys all over the place and utilize some tricksy plays like Teleporting Gorkas into your face.
Like this – but with pirate hats.
Freebootin Tac-tiks
The army would set up as a big blob of green mean machines as you move up, hope the Mek Gunz kill something, and then activate a ton of Ork bikers hitting on 4+ or still a 5+ even when advancing to get into range. The Nobz are there as a counter assault unit that should hit pretty hard and put out a ton of wounds. It is extremely cheap for a 3-4 Strength 7 set of attacks with one extra Choppa attack (based on if a Weird Boy Spell is cast on them). I like the Big Choppa on the Warboss as it lets you have a strength 9 missile that can go out and hit something.
The Deffkilla Wartrike is there as it is a rather large base so its Aura effect can spread out a lot farther. The Warboss is more of the missile/problem solver. I don’t like having to use him as the Warlord but we need to use the +1 Attack/Strength trait to get a very real and angry “smash” captain. The Bone Breaker has been fun in every game I have played it in. I really like the idea of using 3 and some waves of Boyz to throw around. It does help I own 3 of them so it isn’t completely out of my wheel house of pain.
~What Ork armies have you been testing out? I think the codex is pretty sweet and feel we got a lot of options to mess around with. It feels like the most “complete” codex we have for Xenos in awhile.