Star Wars Legion: Jyn Erso Is Going To Beat You Up

Let’s take a quick at the two new announced Rebel Rogue One expansions for Star Wars Legion.
FFG just droped some great news for Legion fans, Jyn Erso and the Rebel Pathfinders from Rogue One are coming to Legion. These two units look to be solid additions to the game. While we don’t have a ton of info yet, lets take a look at what we do have.
Rebel Pathfinders
When Legion first came out I wrote an article hoping we’d get Pathfinders in the game, and now we’ve got them. I’m really happy with these as they are a cool units and also have some non-humans in the unit. Stat wise they are another lighter infantry force, with a LOT of upgrade options. One of their big tricks seems to be the ability to change their weapon dice. Getting two white dice at 1-3 and one deadly red at 1-2. Thats pretty cool. Fans on the FFG Forums have also deciphered what the rest of their unit text is and it reads:
Danger Sense 3 (you may choose not to remove your suppression tokens. While defending against a ranged attack, roll 1 extra defense die for each suppression token you have, adding up to 3 extra dice)
Dauntless (after you rally, if you are suppressed but not panicked, you may gain 1 suppression token to perform a free move action)
Infiltrate (you may deploy anywhere beyond range 3 of all enemy units)
I’m not going to lie, those are all pretty amazing abilities. Danger sense gives them extra dice to make up for weak defenses. It also means they don’t need to hug cover as much. Dauntless means they can be suppressed and still get two actions, while infiltrate means they can be where they want to be. Overall this seems like a fast deadly unit, and a nice change from the sit and shoot Rebels Commandos.
One thing that has be really curious about them is their trooper upgrades. Every other unit in the game has just generic trooper models. However the two non-humans in the unit are clearly Bistan and Pao. Are they going to get unique cards, like some kind of mini heroes? Or just act as generic models? We will have to see.
Jyn Erso
Coming in as the a new Rebel commander, Jyn Erso looks like shes going to be giving out some beatings. In a lot of ways she seems almost like a Luke lite unit. She primarily melee focused, with a solid attack, but can also take a decent ranged weapon. The big thing is her melee attack has suppression, which is pretty cool. As best we can tell her card reads:
[Action]Quick thinking (gain 1 aim token and 1 dodge token)
Danger sense 4
Sharpshooter 1
Which, like the Pathfinders, is really solid. That danger sense is really going to help keep her alive in a pinch, and getting a dodge and aim token for one action is really solid.
I think we will see her taking the net Tenacity card a lot also. With six health she can take a wound and keep fighting for a long time. Adding an extra Red dice to her pool is pretty great.
I also really like her Rebellious command card. Its a sneaky way of letting her attack twice in one round. This card really ups her deadliness for a turn, and is also good for area denial. I have to check the math, but using this and infiltrate, seems like it might allow you to get off a first turn charge. Even if you can’t you should have no issues getting her into melee by turn two, and fighting twice that turn. Shes probably the only unit in the game that can actually hope to attack 6 times in melee over a six turn game. Overall I’m just really excited for her and the Pathfinders. I expect we’ll see Krennic (he even seems to be on one of her upgrade cards) and either Shore or Deathtroopers any day now.
Let us know what you think of these units, down in the comments!