40K BREAKING: Sisters Of Battle Top Stratagems
Chapter Approved is making its rounds across the globe, and most of the Sisters of Battle army list/rules are out and about–today we’re looking at Sisters of Battle Stratagems.
The Internet is a miraculous place–much like the Court of Miracles, on the Internet strange, wondrous things are possible. For instance, th Sisters of Battle Beta Codex isn’t even up for pre-order until Saturday, but through the miracles of Technology we’ve jumped days into the future and found images from this very book–they must be from the future, because there’s no other way we’d be seeing these images otherwise. After all, the book isn’t available in stores until next week!
So be wary of temporal paradoxes attached to this, but here we have a look at our five favorite Sisters of Battle Stratagems.
Blessed Bolts
This is the Stratagem you take if you build an army that includes a Dominion Squad. It’s a pretty straightforward Stratagem–build a Dominion Squad with 5 Storm Bolters, get within twelve and see how your opponent enjoys taking 20 Strength 5 Ap -2 shots that deal 2 damage each. With 40 potential damage in a single volley, that’s going to ruin any Primaris’ day.
Burning Descent
Set your opponent’s army on fire with this one. Drop your Seraphims in–get Hand Flamers out to 12″ for one attack and theoretically be able to shoot them again, though if you’re having to drop in 9″ away, and with a 6″ range normally, I’m not sure how you’d get to shoot them twice, barring shenanigans we haven’t seen yet.
Sacred Banner of the Order Militant
This one plays well with some of the Sisters Warlord traits. Once per battle give your Sisters a boost to their invulnerable saves, so you can keep them alive when you desperately need to. Especially handy on characters, or models near a Warlord with the trait Indomitable Belief, which gives anĀ additional +1 to Invulnerable Saves from Shield of Faith.
Sacred Rites
Trade in your CP for FP. Pretty good–but consider that you might want to hang on to some, because you’ll always want 3CP on hand to spend on:
Vessel of the Emperor’s Will
Spend 3CP and turn your successful Act of Faith into a powerful Aura out to 6″ that makes it Acts of Faith for everyone. What more could you want? This is probably the best of the bunch, even in spite of its cost.
That’s just a small sampling of Stratagems, but what say you? How are the Sisters looking as we lurch ever closer to their eventual release?