40K Combat Challenge: The Single Detachment Format

Are you tired of all the CP shenanigans, minimum sized cheap battalions, and soup-lists? Then give the Single Detachment Format a shot.
Building a list in 40k can really feel like an exercise in record keeping. Tabulating your Command Points, deciding what to spend them on pre-game, and also considering what special rules you’re going to use (Relics, Warlord Traits, Stratagems, “Chapter Tactics”) is going getting more complex as the game grows. Now with Specialist Detachments, you’ve got even more options to deal with, too.
All of that can be a bit much which is why we’re providing you with a new 40k Combat Challenge – try the Single Detachment Format (or SDF). With this challenge, we’re getting back to the basics and here is how it works:
- You and a willing opponent agree to a game using the SDF
- You both build Battle-forged armies that follow all the standard list building requirements/restrictions with the additional restriction of…
- You both can only use a Single Detachment for your entire army
That’s pretty much it. You can play any missions you agree with any other stipulations (maelstrom of war, echos of war, etc.) you want. You don’t even have to use the SAME style detachment. Crazy, right?!
An Outrider vs a Vanguard Detachment game? That’s crazy talk…or is it?!
Tournament Organizers can use this same format, too! Would you want to attend a tournament that restricted everyone to only 1 detachment of any type? I know I’d be curious. Heck, the novelty of not having to worry about seeing the Loyal 32 or wondering what flavor of Soup I’ll be dealing with is already appealing enough. I’d also be curious to see how this would limit a Knight list…
You could always opt for the Brigade Detachment if you REALLY want all your CPs.
There is a certain beauty in the simplicity of these restrictions. You can’t cram everything in a list when you’ve got these types of restrictions and if you do, you probably won’t have the CPs to pay for them all. Or you WILL pay for all the CPs pre-game and not have any during the game. There are trade-offs and choices to make and that causes folks to make different tactical decisions on the tabletop. How will you overcome your opponent’s strengths and protect your own armies weaknesses when you can’t rely on that other detachment to compensate anymore?
You could use one of these…but have fun scoring objectives!
Does this penalize certain armies or builds? Probably – but that’s kind of the point. Each army can be built to fit within one of these detachments and it’s the restriction of having to choose only one detachment that makes this format interesting. It no more or less fair than the current 3 Detachment limit in my book.
It’s really more of a guideline…
Again, this is a challenge to you out there to give this SDF a shot. It’s optional and we are not saying this is the only way to play Warhammer 40,000 – just consider it a palate cleanser before your next big event or maybe a change of pace for your friendly game night. Give it a shot and see what you think!
Are you going to give the SDF a shot? How would this change-up the way you build your army?