40K: Genestealer Cult Nexos Strategists & Other Vigilus Mysteries
There’s some unidentified units and other mysteries in the Vigilus book. Come take a look.
Poring through the 120 pages of Vigilus background, we hit upon some unidentified units, and some interesting quirks as well some outright hilarity. You know how GW just LOVES to drop in little easter eggs for things that will come later. Here we go.
Genestealer Cult Nexos Strategists
These units are mentioned as providing psychic coordination between the Patriarch and the rest of the cult to enable perfectly coordinated action. Does that sound like anything that could be useful on the tabletop?
Mekfist Gargants
These are the next size of walker up from Stompas, and they are mentioned specifically as being part of the line of Morkanaut – Stompa – Mekfist Gargant scale of increasingly sized Ork creations. Who knows, maybe Forge World is going to start bringing Gargants back to give all those Imperial and Eldar titans something big to fight.
The tough men and women walking the beat on the meanest of Imperial streets get many mentions throughout the book. In plenty of places where using Sororitas would have been fine, Arbitrators are specifically mentioned. Fingers crossed that if not in 40K, we see some cops come to Necromunda.
Gellerpox Infected
We have the teensy 40K rules for these from Rogue Trader, but in Vigilus we see them used in large numbers – and used as fodder by the Death Guard in combat. I’m hoping we see these guys get full unit rules to provide the Death Guard army with more options than just Poxwalkers.
Da Big Lugs
This is the hilarity part. OK get this. One enterprising Snakebite, Ogrokk Bitespider gets word out that he will found a safe-haven for every Grot onworld – free from Ork oppression if they come work for him and start breeding war squigs. Tens of thousands flee all the other Ork warbosses and gather at “Runthive”. They eventually breed “Da Big Lugs”, a herd of a dozen Gangantuan Squiggoths “famously bad tempered and devastatingly flatulent”. These are used to good effect flattening Astra Militarum lines and wandering off to eat. Here’s the Order of Battle for Runthive, and I will be very disappointed in you all if this doesn’t inspire some amazing armies.
“Redkap Runt Rebelz”… perhaps distant relatives of their Gorkamorka predecessors?
~What do you think is up with some of those mystery units up there?