40K Rumors: Crimson Fists Rules Leaked

The Crimson Fists have a brand new datasheet arriving in the all-new White Dwarf, but thanks to the internet, we have a look at what their new rules will be before the magazine is even out.
If you voted for Pedro, your ship has come in. Unfortunately your ship has sprung a leak–but fortunately that leak is the new rules for the Crimson Fist successor Chapter. But the rules contain potassium benzoate.
Preservative additives aside, there’s a lot of crunchy goodness to get at. Now it’s worth pointing out that we don’t have any official pictures to confirm these are true–the rules leaks come from a DakkaDakka Thread where they were posted by user casvalremdeikun, who had at one point linked some files which have since been removed. So these are officially going under the rumors file–but, they do seem to have some pretty substantive backing to them.
Here’s what we know so far:
New Chapter Tactics: +1 to hit against units with more models than your attacking unit
Warlord Traits:
Tenacious Opponent: Same as Codex
Refuse to Die: Get back up on a 4+ with d3 wounds the first time you die
Stoic Defender: All Infantry, Bikers and Dreadnoughts gain Defenders of Humanity If they are within 6″ of the Warlord. If they already had it, they count as 2 models per 1 model.Advertisement
Bolter Drill: Same as Codex. Goes well with their new Chapter Tactic.
A Hated Foe: Target Unit rerolls all wounds against Ork units.
Slay the Tyrant: Target Unit adds +1 to hit against CharactersRelics:
Fist of Vengeance: Same as Codex
Duty’s Burden: Replaces Bolt Rifle 36″, RF 2, Str 5, AP-2, D2
Already we’re seeing the flavor of the Crimson Fists start to shine through. They fight Orks, and their Chapter Tactic makes them especially good at it. With a +1 to hit against big units, folks like Intercessors might really start to shine–but remember this is the Chapter Tactic, which applies to Infantry, Bikers, and Dreadnoughts–so suddenly your units of Bikers (but really who even takes those) and Dreadnoughts get a pretty substatial buff. Unless your Dreadnought is firing on a Knight, they’re hitting scarily accurate.
Then of course, Crimson Fists also can gain +1 to hit vs Characters, only this time it costs CPs, but it’s a Stratagem worth spending on if you really need to drop that Farseer or angry Daemon Prince. A Hated Foe is a very flavorful stratagem, but is very limited in scope–however the real star of the Crimson Fist’s new Index is the Stoic Defender Warlord Trait. This gives your Bikers and Dreadnoughts Objective Secured while they’re within a 6″ bubble around your Warlord, and better still, if you already have it, your models count double. So with the right Warlord you can have the bestest objective secured.
And being able to have speedy bikers ready to actually contest an objective and help count against infantry swarms is kind of a neat side effect of this. Crimson Fists are remarkable at holding ground–especially if they’re buffed by the rest of the Imperium’s forces. What a spicy new mix to flavor your soup with.
What do you think of the new rules? Ready to start your own Crimson Fists army? Do the Imperials finally have enough flavors for their soup?