40K: The Grimdark Gets Animated With A New Feature ‘Angels of Death’

Games Workshop has a new animated series coming via Warhammer TV and the Blood Angels appear to be the stars of the show!
Blood Angels. Dreadnoughts. A swinging chainsword – it’s not much to go on but it’s enough to get my attention. Check out what Warhammer TV is cooking up for 2019:
We’re bringing the grim darkness of the far future to life like never before. Get ready for epic battle, heroic sacrifice, loads of explosions, brutal close-combat chainsword duels, and some pathos-laden dialogue that’ll fill your belly with fire and stretch your heart strings to breaking.
‘Angels of Death’, will follow the visceral exploits of a band of Blood Angels Space Marines as they face Mankind’s enemies, death and worse – the dreaded Black Rage. To ensure the story is suitably grimdark, we’ve called upon the talents of some of Black Library’s finest authors. Together, they’re forging an epic tale for the animators to realise.
The folks at Warhammer Community specifically called out the fan film Helsreach that was produced as a bit of inspiration for this new venture. We really liked what the fans did with that animation style and format. Now that GW is taking a swipe at it I’m sure that it will be even better! Plus, it will allow them to make use of all that fancy new studio space they showed off…
Anyways, here’s a few of the exciting moments that were in the teaser:
It’s pretty hard to tell exactly what is going on as the video jump-cuts quite a bit. But we do know that the Blood Angels are involved and this trailer did show off quite a bit of action. Everything is really dark unfortunately and a little blurry. That could be the style they are going for (putting the DARK in Grimdark). It will be interesting to see if they do decide to add the GRIM in there as well. The Warhammer 40k universe is a dangerous and violent place and the Blood Angels are known for their tendency to get pretty, well, bloody. I’m very curious to see how they will handle that in the mix.
From the announcement it sounds like this could be an ongoing series from Warhammer TV. That would be pretty cool! I don’t know if this is going to the next Star Wars: Rebels or anything, but it’s one more form of media to consume involving the Warhammer 40,000 Universe and I can get behind that.
Are you ready for a animated series set in the Grimdark starring the Blood Angels? I’m getting my popcorn ready now!