40K: The War For Vigilus Is Coming – 79 Days Left

Launching with a mysterious video that teases an 80-day countdown to something big hitting Vigilus–here’s a quick peek at what’s coming to Vigilus.
Spoiler alert, it’s Haarken Worldclaimer and the Black Legion. But, it’s got to be more than that. With the video titled 80 Days for Vigilus (now 79), it puts me in mind of the last big global campaign, The Fate of Konor. Here’s the video, so you can see for yourself:
And accompanying the video is a link to find out more about the “War for Vigilus.” The link itself leads to a Warhammer Community splash page that’s all about Vigilus.
Big things are happening on Vigilus, and this is where you can follow all the latest news and developments from this war-torn sentinel world. We’re going to be updating this site a lot over the coming months, with narrative hooks, developments in the storyline and free fiction, so be sure to check back for regular updates!
Found at the mouth of the Nachmund Gauntlet, Vigilus is central to the defence of the spacelane that joins the two halves of the Imperium. It has swiftly become one of the most hotly contested war zones in the galaxy. Arid, overpopulated and heavily militarised, Vigilus is beset from all sides, suffering attacks from a Genestealer Cult uprising, Aeldari war hosts, an Ork Speedwaaagh!, and perhaps worst of all, Chaos Space Marines in the accursed livery of the Black Legion seek to claim the world in the name of their foul Warmaster.
The forces of the Imperium must fight to the last or risk losing contact with the Imperium Nihilus entirely…
If nothing else, it’s a repository for lore and other vigilus related articles. But the big fancy countdown seems like something else is coming down the pipe. Could this mean it’s 80 79 days until the release of the second book planned for Vigilus? GW does call it out in Vigilus Defiant. Whatever the case, we’ll know soon enough.
What do you think is coming to Vigilus? My personal theory is that it’s the amount of time that notable Ork adventurer Phineas Frogg has to try and race around the war-torn planet in an Ork-made, heavily armored hot air balloon.