40K: To Build A Sisters List – 1st Pass

Today we’re going to build a 2000pt Adepta Sororitas List and put it through it’s paces:
StableAbe’s been looking over Chapter Approved wiht a fine toothed comb, looking at our venerable (but large) Sisters studio army and putting together a list to put it through its paces. Here’s his first pass:
Bloody Rose- Battalion
Canoness w/ hand flamers and power sword 52
Uriaha Jacobus 50
Preacher- 25
Dialogus 30
Dialogus 30
9x Repentia Squad 135
1x Misstress of Repentance 35
10x Battle Sisters 2x Melta Gun, 1x power sword, 1x hand flamers 125
10x Battle Sisters 2x Melta Gun, 1x power sword, 1x hand flamers 125
10x Battle Sisters 2x Flamer, 1x power sword, 1x hand flamers 109
Penitent Engine 100
Penitent Engine 100
Penitent Engine 100
Bloody Rose is the way to go with Repentia. All those Sororitas Infantry within 6″ of Jacobus or the Preacher have +2A! We really want to see what three Penitent engines swinging twice in the Fight Phase can do.
Ebon Chalice – Supreme Command
Celestine – 160
Missonary 35
Preacher 25
Canoness w/ hand flamers and power sword 52
2x Geminae Superia 42
6x Arco-Flagellants 90
6x Death Cult Assassins 102
Celestine and her posse are all going to be passing Acts of Faith Tests with +1 and again, the Missionary/Preacher combo will grant +1A to nearby friendlies – like the exotic Arcos & DCAs. Celestines aura will increase the Shield of Faith saves of her friends.
Sacred Rose -Battalion
Canoness w/ hand flamers and power sword 52
Canoness w/ hand flamers and power sword 52
6x Battle Sisters, 1x Hvy Bolter, 2x Storm Bolters 68
6x Battle Sisters, 1x Hvy Bolter, 2x Storm Bolters 68
6x Battle Sisters, 1x Hvy Bolter, 2x Storm Bolters 68
6x Dominion, 5 storm bolters 70
1x Immolator w/ immolation flamer 98
The Sacred rose firepower base gets some handy morale buffs, but hits on Overwatch on 5+. All those Storm bolters in there are prime targets for the Blessed Bolts stratagem.
1998 pts
14 command points
10 Faith Points
The Army is designed to test out a large number of units and some obvious Order -Unit combos. It is going to move up as fast as it can and punch people in the face! Then after Celestine dies – she’s going to reincarnate and punch them again. with 14 CP and 10 Faith points there will be a lot of tricks and stratagems to go around.
We Are Streaming this Army Tonight!
It’s time to see how the theoryhammer works out on the tabletop. StableAbe is taking his baby out against Goatboy later today. Don’t Miss it!
Dark Apocrypha Thursdays 8pm ET (5pm PT)
~What do you think of the list?