Adeptus Titanicus: Next Supplement ‘Titandeath’ News

Games Workshop held a live stream this week and drop some info on the next supplement for Adeptus Titanicus – “Titandeath” and it’s sounding pretty good. Come see what GW has planned for the future!
The Warhammer TV Livestream held a bit of a briefing on Adeptus Titanicus this past week. You can watch it if you are subscribed to their channel, but if you’re not here is a few of the key bits of info about the upcoming supplement Titandeath.
Titandeath will be in the same style as the “Black Books” from Forge World – That means you can expect some pretty high quality from this one.
It’s staying in the Horus Heresy Era…for now – GW didn’t rule out adding more to the game (aka Xenos Factions) but it all depends on the popularity. Naturally, this seems like a chicken/egg problem as you could make the argument that adding in the Xenos would make the game more popular…
Titandeath will feature rules for a lot more Legions – We all knew this was coming. Between the extra Titan Legions featured on the Datasheets, the color plates included in the AT rulebook, and all the other hints of the direction the game is going, more Legions and their rules is a given. As in GIVEN it to me NOW!
One of the Key Legions featured will be the Imperial Hunters – This Legion is also know as the Legio Solaria and they have a Green/White color scheme. They are a Loyalist Legion as well.
As for new Titans and weapons:
- The less common weapons from EPIC that don’t have a 40k equivalent might end up as a Forge World Resin release
- The new Warbringer Nemesis Titan might be released in AT but it’s not 100% done for AT (Editor: yeah, sure…)
- Imperator Titan? That’s a big “maybe” – but “Don’t hold your breath”
- Titan Volkite Weapons are also considered “Don’t hold your breath” at this time.
Personally, I’m excited about the new Titandeath Supplement and think it’s going to add some good stuff to the game. At the same time, I think it’s pretty foolish for GW to NOT have Xenos factions planned. Orks seem like a prime candidate as well as Eldar and Tyranids. Again, I think the Horus Heresy timeline is a good launching point but there is no reason to stay in that era.
Think about it from a player’s perspective – once they get their one Titan Legion complete, they are pretty much set. There is no reason to keep buying more models. As a business, unless you introduce some new factions (xenos) and new models for the Titans Legions (Imperator, Warbringer Nemesis, and other weapons) what’s going to keep the community buying more stuff?
I hope we get more content for AT as it’s a really solid game (and the FAQ is on the way, just FYI). Titandeath seems like a good “next step” but I’m hoping that GW has a few more planned after that.
What do you think of the Titandeath news? Have you given Adeptus Titanicus a go yet? What’s keeping you from playing?