Age of Sigmar: Moonclan Goblins Teased, Moonclan Goblins Pleased

Everything is utterly fine and there is no need to panic, but do not look up at night, for whatever reason. Otherwise you’ll miss the second bit of Teaser Art from GW in as many days–see what heralds the Moonclan’s Rise.
Funnily enough, it’s the Hammerhal Herald that does the actual heralding–but for a tantalizing glimpse of those night-haunted, fungus gobbling grots, we’d be willing to do much more than just ignore the moon for a while. Besides if Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask has taught me anything, nothing good ever comes from the moon.
Why do you think we sent Buzz Aldrin to the Moon to show it who’s boss?
And if nothing good can come from it, not even a wizard, then there’s certainly no reason to ever look at it. Which means that following the latest directive from the Hammerhal Institute for Lunar Studies & Fungal Outcropping Investigation.
Now worth noting is the shape of the moon that’s depicted here. It has the distinctive profile of the snarling-faced moon of the Moonclan Grots, as featured on the Fungoid Cave Shaman’s robes and general aesthetic.
You might even say that it’s a Bad Moon, the very same deity worshipped by the Moonclan Grots, who revere a myth that says once Gorkamorka was on a rampage throughout the Mortal Realms gobbling mountains and oceans. One night he saw the biggest moon and climbed on the sky to eat. But the moon was too tough and the greenskin god broke their tusks on it. These teeth fell on the realms and became mountains which the Moonclan would come to inhabit. Since then the greenskins have known it has the Bad Moon and forbidden from eating it.
We know the Moonclan Book is coming at some point–and with this latest piece of art, it’s looking like we’ll see them sooner, rather than later. Perhaps they’ll be one of the first new things for Age of Sigmar in the new year.
One thing you can say about the leaders of the Moonclan–they’re all fungi-s.