AoS: Gloomspite Gitz & The Troggherd

The Gloomspite Gitz have an amazing range of models on the way – join us as we take a look at all the new models coming to a tabletop near you soon! Plus, we’ve got a look at the Warscroll Battalion for the Troggherd, perfect for anyone who wants to run an all Trogg army!
Games Workshop has been teasing all the new and amazing models for the Gloomspite Gitz army. This will be the next generation of Gobbos, Squigs, Spiders, Fungus and Trogg (aka Trolls) for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. Today, we’re taking a look at ALL the models GW has teased in one convenient spot as well as a leak from the new book showcasing the Troggherd! Get ready for an invasion of greenskins of the smaller size.
Gloomspite Gitz – The Characters
Skragrott the Loonking is the head-honcho for the Gloomspite Gitz. On a mission to attempt to swoon the Bad Moon, he’s hoping to gather enough insane soothsayers in his asylum that they will help him divine it’s next appearance. Powered by mushrooms and a whole lot of crazy, he’s a great addition to your Gloomspite Gitz!
The Loonboss is a “moon-headed” hero who helps your Grot Stabbas make with the stabbin’ obviously! I mean look at him:
Keep him near your battleline and he’ll get the job done – or at least poke others to get the job done…
“A group of five Grots, the Gobbapalooza includes a Shroomancer, Spiker, Boggleye, Scaremonger and Brewgit. “
What those powers are…we have no idea. But based on the description they are going to be great for the Gloomspite Gitz! Who doesn’t need another 5 crazy looking gobbos on their side?
It’s not a propper Goblin force without a ton of Squigs, right!? Well say hello to all the new Squig models and units leaping into battle to each faces!
The Squig Hoppers are new kit coming with the ability to build a new unit called the Boingrot Bounderz! New Squig-based cavalry unit? Sure – as long as their riders can keep them going in the right direction.
The Squig Herd is a new 10 strong kit that boasts a wide array of Squigs! Plus a couple of trainers who will (hopefully) keep those excitable Squigs working for you and not against you. What’s neat about this kit is also the fact that the heads and legs are interchangeable – that should ensure a very diverse set for each and every Gloomspite Gitz force.
These are the Sneaky Snufflers. Are they Squigs? Are they Pigs? Are they Spiders?! YES! They are all of that and more – the Gloomspite Gitz run in Fungus and these fellas are great at finding the ‘shrooms they need. How will that translate into battle? You got me – but I’m betting the results will be entertaining.
The Mangler Squig is BACK with a new kit. It’s looking like a crazy pair of Squigs chained together along with a few brave(?) grots long for the ride. This kit can also be built with a hero riding atop the Mangler Squig. Sounds like quite the rodeo!
Fanatics Return!
The fan favorite Fanatics fly furiously forward with an impressive new line-up of poses and options.
Not only are we getting the classic ‘shroomed-up gobbos with balls-and-chains we’re also treated to a new type of psychopath with the Sporesplatta Fanatics! These new guys provide your army with a cloud of spore-cover to help against those pesky shooting attacks.
New Endless Spells
Along with the new models is a new set of endless spells. Get ready for spiders, explosions, bad moons omens, and a cauldron with spider legs!
New Terrain
The Bad Moon Loonshrine is will cost ZERO points in matched play and will give you a chance to return destroyed units of Stabbas and Shootas to the battlefield! Who doesn’t want to play with an endless horde of Gitz?!
The Troggherd
And finally we get a look at the new Troggs and their new kits!
The Rockgut Troggoths are a re-imagining of the Trolls from the World That Was. These new models certainly have a more cunning facial expression that helps tie them back to the rest of the army. With the large nose and floppy ears you can see they are distant cousins to the smaller gitz in the Gloomspite forces.
And then there is the new Dankhold Troggoth! This new kit is pretty massive and imposing! If you’re wanting a heavy-hitter in your line up here’s your trogg! Both of these new kits come with loads of accessories so you can customize your Troggs however you want. And you’ll want that when you decide to run the Troggherd list:
This Battalion consists of 1 Dankhold Troggboss, 3-9 Units of various Troggoths, and up to 0-2 units of Aleguzzler Gargants. What’s the benefit for running this force? Well on unmodified 6s to wound roll is made from any model in this battalion’s melee attacks they get to up the damage by 1! That might not sound like much on paper, but I have a funny feeling these Troggs are going to be tossing out a LOT of attacks per model.
With these new additions plus the old range the Gloomspite Gitz are going to have a VERY impressive set of models to build an army from. If you’re looking for a ton of bodies on the table, a smaller Trogg-heavy list, or something in between with Spiders, Squigs, and Fungus, then you’ll be able to do it!
Destruction is getting some love and it’s going to HURT…