Chapter Approved 2018 Overview – More Than Just Points Changes

There is a lot going on inside Chapter Approved 2018 and it’s more than just a points update. It’s got new missions, character customization rules, narrative enhancements, terrain updates, looted wagon rules, updated profiles and so much more.
Chapter Approved 2018 is here and it’s packed full of new stuff. And points. Lots of points. But you probably already knew that by now:
Sisters Beta Codex Arrives
Aside from points, this is probably the biggest news in the book. The Adepta Sororitas are back and the Sisters got a boat-load of datasheet updates. Along with that we got a look at their new Faith Points system, army rules (aka Order and Convictions), Warlord Traits, Stratagems, and Relics. It’s a like a full codex crammed in the middle of an already packed book.
Some of the things in there are kinda of iffy. Some of the things in there are pretty spicey! It’s a beta codex afterall and GW wants your feedback. So pick this one up and give it a few games before you make any judgement calls. It needs some fine-tuning but hey, it’s a start. This is also interesting because it’s the first time that GW has really let players actively participate in a Codex design. Sure, we had the mega FAQ’s from two years ago, but this is GW getting more than just their play testers involved. It’s a neat experiment if nothing else – let’s see how it goes.
Looted Wagon Rules
If you’re a crazy Ork Mek boy at heart and you’ve done a lot of conversion work then these rules will hopefully appeal to you. Basically, GW made rules for small vehicles, tank-sized vehicles, and Super-heavy vehicles that have all been “looted” by the Orks. While they provided power levels for each of these datasheets, they did not provide a points cost. At this point they aren’t compatible for matched play. However, the ratio of points to power level is roughly 20-25 points per 1 power level.
So if your buddy will let you use them in a “matched” play game, just point them up like that and give them a go. We didn’t think they were game-breaking from a rules stand point. But that doesn’t cover “modeling for advantage” which I know you converters NEVER do…
Th’e E’i’ght Re’tur’n
Commander Farsight and the Super Friends are back and have a massive datasheet to prove it. Clocking in at 50+ Power Level and over 1100 points to use in a game, this has got to be one of the most expensive single “units” in the game.
It’s a pretty crazy mix of a ton of specialists suits. If you have ever wanted to play a Samurai 7 Style game, well, this is probably as close as you’ll ever get to having official rules for that scenario! Just toss these models on the tabletop and let them do their work!
Customize Your Army
One of the coolest sections in the book revolves around Character Customization and also Campaign play. If you’ve ever wanted to have your own character GW has introduced a chart you can roll on with a ton of special skills your character can acquire. You could also pick them if you wanted to go that route. There is also a chunk of rules for how to level-up your units into veteran status for campaign play.
So you if want to have a Veteran Commander leading a squad of Veteran Marines – you can do that! It’s a great way to expand your narrative games and really customize your experience.
Missions Galore
If you’re tired of playing the same handful of missions then this year’s Chapter Approved has some good news for you. It’s got a bunch of missions that can be used for all types of games – Narrative, Open, and Matched Play. I’m hoping that folks will give these missions a look and actually play because they do help make the games a bit more interesting and add some variety to the game.
There is a LOT going on with this year’s Chapter Approved. It’s pretty much a “must buy” for anyone who wants to play 40k – doubly so if you’re a competitive player. I mean, the points changes alone are a big deal and if you’re army got a tweak, you might find yourself with a bucket of points to re-allocate. Chapter Approved is out now!
Chapter Approved 2018 $35
What are your favorite changes in Chapter Approved 2018?