Crimson Fists Rules, Kroot Mercs, Gloomspite Gitz & More

Get ready for the new year with a boatload of new tabletop news. We’ve got everything from new 40K, Age of Sigmar, and new ways to play in the Grimdark.
40K Rumors: Crimson Fists Rules Leaked
The Crimson Fists have a brand new datasheet arriving in the all-new White Dwarf, but thanks to the internet, we have a look at what their new rules will be before the magazine is even out.
Pimpcron: Proper Gaming Etiquette
Pimpcron teaches you how to be a Fancy Dandy in Warhammer.
GW: Last Chance For Vostroyans
It’s your last chance to get your hands on the MTO Vostroyans from Games Workshop. Get them before they’re gone.
40K Top List Of The Week: December 29th – Imperial Knights Dethroned
Take a look at who’s winning, losing and this week’s top championship list in 40K – brought to you by BCP. Scratch that – The Imperial Knight have been DETHRONED as the most winning army!
40K Combat Challenge: The Single Detachment Format
Are you tired of all the CP shenanigans, minimum sized cheap battalions, and soup-lists? Then give the Single Detachment Format a shot.
40K: Kroot Killteam Rules Preview
Everyone’s favorite bird alien carnivore mercenaries are getting their own Killteam in the latest White Dwarf, but their rules have already leaked to the internet, as most rules end up doing. Check them out here.
Age Of Sigmar: Gloomspite Gitz Arrive Next Week
The Bad Moon is rising and bringing with it a whole bunch of new Goblins, Squigs, Troggoths, and Gits. Check out Wave 1.
Age Of Squigmar: Gloomspite Gits Sneak Preview
The Gloomspire Gits have big hopes and dreams–terrifying nightmares for everyone else, mind you, but dreams nonetheless. And these dreams are an amazing second wave of models. Take a look.