D&D: Expand Undermountain, Rove Deeper Into Ravnica – The DMs Guild Has Your Back

Two new books take you further into the Dungeon of the Mad Mage or the Guilded City of Ravnica. Make your dungeons deeper and your guilds guildier today with the Lost Chambers of Undermountain and Krenko’s Way.
Unearthed Arcana might be on hiatus until next week–but that doesn’t mean that you have to wait around unsatisfied. Take that love of exploration and desire to see new things and channel it into two new books on the DMs Guild. There you’ll find Undermountain: the Lost Chambers and Krenko’s Way, two new tomes to help expand Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage and the Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica. Populate the lower levels of Undermountain with more encounters and creatures through a variety of encounter styles. You’ll find everything from old-school flavor to new, roleplay-centric adventures within–and then look to Krenko’s way for a surprisingly challenging intro adventure designed to get characters hooked in to Ravnica. Let’s take a look.
via the DMs Guild
Undermountain: the Lost Chambers – $9.99
Undermountain: the Lost Chambersis a collection of 11 adventure locations designed to be dropped in to Dungeon of the Mad Mage or any other Undermountain/dungeon crawl experience.
Crafted by 7 of the guild’s best authors, the compilation features strange environments, bizzarre creatures, epic villains, ancient secrets, and the dreaded Undermountain Water Purification and Sanitation system.
Challenges range from level 3 all the way to level 13+, and feature exploration, negotiation and combat, ensuring options for all groups and playstyles.
Now as we’ve seen in previous Undermountain levels, there’s a spot on each of them with room to add in whatever you want. Tunnels lead out to expanded chambers, which is exactly what you’re getting in this one. There are eleven different locations to play from, each more different than the last, and that’s pretty exciting.
Though the book’s multi-author nature does mean that each of the new adventure areas, while distinct, don’t always feel like they fit together. But if you’re adept at smoothing over thematic gaps and are looking to spice up your 23-level Dungeon, then this is not a bad way to start.
Krenko’s Way – $4.99
A Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica Adventure
The Notorious Goblin crime boss Krenko has escaped confinment in the Udzeo prison under suspicious circumstances. Now he plots to reestablish control over his criminal enterprise, raising the spector of a goblin gang war that could jeapordize the tenuous peace among the guilds.
AdvertisementYou must find Krenko and secure him before all out war ensues!
An introductory adventure for 1st level characters
Best of all, all monies that Wizards of the Coast receives from sales of this PDF are donated to Extra Life. Your purchase of this adventure goes to a truly great cause!
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Krenko’s Way is an adventure companion for Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica and can serve as your jumping off point to create your own monsters, adventure modules, and other tabletop content set within Ravnica and put it up for sale on the Dungeon Masters Guild.
This one is a little trickier. It’s a good adventure–it’s got solid bones, and is a good first step into the world of Ravnica, but it’s exactly that. A step, not a comprehensive intro to the setting. If you’re looking for a lore-heavy adventure, you’ll want to at the very least spruce it up with the Guildmaster’s Guide, and Krenko’s Way can turn lethal in a heartbeat.
It all comes down to Goblins with crossbows in large numbers–which can be great if your party is getting complacent. This can be a great way to remind everyone that in the Bounded Accuracy system, anyone can be a threat–but if your players are trying this out for the first time (and why wouldn’t they be) you might want to be ready to adjust the dials a little.
Two new adventures to showcase some of the brilliant work folks are doing on the DMs Guild. Be sure and check out more–and check back later for more D&D news once we know what’s coming in Unearthed Arcana!
Until then, Happy Adventuring!