Cosplay Community Spotlight: Cosplayer Paulywog

This holiday season, we’re showing off some great cosplay work from the Warhammer Community. This Veteran has a passion for gaming that has manifested in a sick set of Khorne Berserker armor, and we just had to show it off!
How did you get your start in cosplay? How long have you been creating your projects? What inspires you to work in the cosplay realm?
I started right after Iraq, I told myself if I survived my tour that I would finally go to a convention. I did and started with a Jedi Cosplay at Star Wars Celebration V.
What do you do with your time outside of Cosplay? Any special skills or experiences?
I am a Medically retired Veteran with a ton of time on his hands, so I kinda just dive deep into all of the fandoms I like. Reading comics, watching shows and exploring conventions, gaming groups as well as trying out new fandoms.
What is your strongest construction aspect?
I like to Design and Paint.
What is your favorite type of cosplay work to do?
Designing and putting it together.
What are your favorite completed projects, or your most popular?
I think my Corellian Jedi is my favorite because I have a a soft spot for Star Wars but I have the most fun as a Chaos Khorne Bezerker.
What material is your favorite to work with?
Foam, Cloth, Glue same as everyone else!
What are your favorite fandoms? Favorite characters?
Star Wars, Warhammer 40k and pretty much anything but Twilight
What kind of games do you play? Videogames? Tabletop? Wargames?
Currently I play Pubg, Smite, Battlefield one and a lot of RTS games on steam. I also play Warhammer 40k with a beautiful Preatorian Astra Militarium Army and a Ork Horde for Age of Sigmar! I do play D&D as well with my buddies!
What conventions do you attend? Have you guested/spoken on panels/competed in contests?
I usually attend local cons, Star Wars Conventions and anything I can afford, I would like to go to San Diego Comic Con and Dragon Con!
What projects are you working on in the future?
Right now I am trying to figure out what to do, either a Xenomorph Alien or a DC villian of some type. I am trying to loose more weight to do more characters. If I had a better looking body maybe All-might from My Hero Acadamia!
What conventions are you attending this next season?
I think I am going to shoot for Adeptacon and Dragon Con.
Who are your cosplay inspirations? Whose work do you admire or aspire to?
Dominique Skye, Eric Caijuat, Rose Piercy, Rick Stafford and every awesome Cosplayer I met so far. People Inspire me to be who you are and these Cosplayers have always been awesome and good friends too!
What are your favorite movies/shows to watch or music to listen to while you craft?
Depends on whats going on, I like to work and watch movies, sometimes if it relates to what I am doing it motivated me to do what I need to do for a great Cosplay.
What message do you have for people wanting to break into cosplay? What have you learned in your time working in Cosplay?
Do it! Don’t let anyone tell you any different because its something you should do at least once! especially if your a passionate nerd like me.
What are your social media/website links? Where can we find you?
I have a Podcast show called Nerd Versus that just started its going to focus on all things Nerdy and not just Cosplay but I’ll cosplay every chance I get.
~Join us next week for more Cosplay! Coverage~
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