Goatboy’s 40K: Kicking Butt with Orks from Vigilus

Goatboy here with two Ork lists from the Viligus Campaign Book that utilizes their new Specialist Detachments.
Lucky for me the Chapter Approved really doesn’t deal with the new Ork codex. It makes sense as CA was planned well before the new Ork book came out. I will be talking a lot about Chapter Approved in the future but today I want to throw out 2 Ork lists from the Viligus Campaign Book that utilizes their new Detachments. In my review on Vigilus I find the Ork options to be pretty dang good. In fact I expect some of them to show up in the upcoming Ork lists that will run rampant over competitive meta. The two detachments I want to use are of course the Kult of Speed and the Blitz Brigade. Both of these will utilize the Evil Suns Kultur as they are built to go fast.
Da Kult of Speed
The Kult of Speed detachment gives all Speed Freeks options the Kult of Speed Keyword for a single 1CP per detachment. This gives you 2 new Stratagems, a new Warlord trait, and of course a new Relic in a souped up Deffkilla Wartrike. This option really makes the Bikes pretty dang good with movement options galore. It makes me wish I could find my other sets of bikers I know are somewhere in my house. There is nothing like a move to that makes you forget where you put some lost Orks. This army is designed to use multiple options for deployment as you could teleport an option as needed. I will end up using a “command point” battery of sorts for one of them as this army will burn a bunch in the first few turns. I will stick with full Evil Suns as while using Grots to gain command points is fine – I could keep them the same Kultur to let the army stay true to its roots of crazy mechanical madness.
Evil Suns Battalion 1 – The Speed Freeks – Kult of Speed Detachment (-1CP)
HQ: Deffkilla Wartrike, (1 CP Field Commander Strat – Warlord Trait – Quick, Ladz!), Relic – Skargrim’s Snazztrike – 120pts
HQ: Warboss, Bike, Power Klaw, Kustom Shoota, Attack Squigg – Warlord – Speed Freeks – Relic – Super Power Klaw – 101pts
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 29, Boss Nob, Kustom Shoota, Big Choppa, Tank Busta Bomb X 1 – 215pts
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 29, Boss Nob, Kustom Shoota, Big Choppa, Tank Busta Bomb X 1 – 215pts
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 29, Boss Nob, Kustom Shoota, Big Choppa, Tank Busta Bomb X 1 – 215pts
FA: Nob Bikerz X 9, Big Choppa X 9, Kustom Shootas X 9 – 405pts
FA: Ork Bikerz X 11, Boss Nob, Big Choppa, Kustom Shoota – 283pts
Evil Suns Battalion – aka the CP battery
HQ: Weird Boy – 62pts (Warphead for -1cp)
HQ: Big Mek, Bike, Kustom Force Field, Big Choppa – 106pts
HQ: Big Mek, Bike, Kustom Force Field, Big Choppa – 106pts
Elites: Painboy – 65pts
Troops: Gretchin X 10 – 30pts
Troops: Gretchin X 10 – 30pts
Troops: Gretchin X 10 – 30pts
Pts 1983 (Have room for better weapons on guys if I want)
CP – 10 (-1cp for Field Commander, -1 CP for Relic on Deffkilla, 1 CP for Warphead)
The idea for the list is I could teleport Nob Bikerz in if I wanted too – but with the set up and bodies on the table I could start them off, have them double move up, and get involved with a Deffkilla Wartrike letting them assault after “advancing”. I have enough bullets from the entire army to just cause a ton of armor saves as needed. The Nob Bikers shoot out 94 shots, the Bikers throw out 76 shots, and on top of that you have 90 shoota boyz being a problem as well. Be careful with the Warphead as he needs to have +1 or +2 to Da Jump a unit of boyz as needed. Throw on an extra +1 attack to a blob of Nob Bikerz and you got a murder unit ready to crush a Knight or two.
Da Blitz Brigade
The next list is a Blitz Brigade army that plans on using some Bone Breakas, Mega Nobz, Nobz, and boyz to bring the truth of the Ork way to the masses. I think most Ork armies will start with 90 boyz and go from there. I went with some Gretchin to give more CP – I just don’t know if they are fully needed.
Evil Suns Battalion – Blitz Brigade Detachment (-1CP)
HQ: Warboss, Powerklaw, Kustom Shoota, Attack Squigg – (Specialist Field Commander – 1CP) – Warlord Trait – Back-Seat Driver – Relic Da Killa Klaw – 72pts
HQ: Big Mek, Big Choppa, Kustom Force Field – Warlord Speed Freek – Relic (-1CP) The Redder Armour – 80pts
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 29, Boss Nob, Kustom Shoota, Tank Busta Bombz X 1 – 212pts
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 29, Boss Nob, Kustom Shoota, Tank Busta Bombz X 1 – 212pts
Troops: Shoota Boyz X 29, Boss Nob, Kustom Shoota, Tank Busta Bombz X 1 – 212pts
Elites: Mega Nobz X 3 – 105pts (Cheap as hell right?)
Elites: Mega Nobz X 3 – 105pts
Elites: Nobz X 9, Choppa/Big Choppa X 9 – 171pts
Heavy: Bonebreaker – 159pts
Heavy: Bonebreaker – 159pts
Heavy: Bonebreaker – 159pts
Evil Suns Battalion – The Helpers/Fixers/Etc
HQ: Weirdboy – 62pts
HQ: Big Mek, Bike, Kustom Force Field, Big Choppa – 106pts
Troops: Gretchin X 10
Troops: Gretchin X 10
Troops: Gretchin X 10
Elite: Nob with Waaagh! Banner – 77pts
Pts 1989
CP 10 (-1 CP Field Command, -1 CP relic, -1CP Warphead)
This army is all about moving as fast as you can with your Battlewagon Variants, dumping off some murder guys, and hopefully backing up and doing it again and again. It is not the most elegant army out there – but it will get moving fast and dump a Bonebreaker into your business. Plus all those Nobz rolling out, hitting on 2’s and causing a ton of damage sounds like a lot of krumpin fun.
Overall I think the Orks made out pretty well from Vigilus. Look for some Chapter Approved discussion coming up soon as well. Until next time – roll 6’s.