Goatboy’s Last 40K Army for the Year – Slaanesh Time

I sorta talked about Slaanesh on my last post so let’s look at a Slaanesh army. Everyone put on your gimp-masks and corsets. Ok, let’s go!
I have built a few but the updated point costs (Holy Crap those Daemonettes are cheap) and the fact I have a ton of Slaanesh models has me think there might be something to them. I played a huge Slaanesh horde at an early LVO so it makes sense I find all those turds and try to play them at some point. Or I just forget about it as throwing down 150+ models is hard for someone my age (gonna be 41 in Jan hah).
Let’s do the Slaanesh Horde as I think it could be good. The new Enchantress character could be interesting especially as it isn’t too expensive and does a few interesting things. For those wondering you have an 80 pt model with some ok shooting attacks, can mess with psykers, and randomly heal some units. I am not sure if the model is too expensive but it could be helpful to put some wounds on a vehicle or two if you need too. Plus the model hits on a 2+ for its shooting attacks which is pretty dang spicy. I don’t know if I will add it just want to chit chat about it.
Putting the Band Back Together
Let’s start with the Top for the army. I think you go with those triple pack of Characters as all of their Auras do something to help your Daemonettes get there, reroll some things to hit, and get a chance to hit harder.
- HQ: Herald of Slaanesh – 60pts
- HQ: The Masque of Slaanesh – 65pts
- HQ: Daemon Prince of Chaos, Mark of Slaanesh, Wings, Malefic Talon X 2 – 180pts
This should get you enough Auras to let you create a pretty brutal block of murder. Plus with the idea of doing a full Slaanesh army you could always be moving, advancing, and charging. This isn’t too bad and you should cover enough of the terrain to be a pain in the butt. Plus always getting to strike first might be hard to deal with as your opponent charges you, hits with one unit and then you get to respond back right away.
From here let’s add some troops to build out the rest of the Battalion. This army isn’t going to be crazy on the Command points beyond Removing some Attacks from the Aquiescence Locus Strat and the Locus of Grace strat. It really depends on how many bodies you have left as you rush up the field and try to get some damage done.
- Troops: Daemonettes X 30, Instrument of Chaos, Daemonic Icon – 205pts
- Troops: Daemonettes X 30, Instrument of Chaos, Daemonic Icon – 205pts
- Troops: Daemonettes X 30, Instrument of Chaos, Daemonic Icon – 205pts
- Troops: Daemonettes X 30, Instrument of Chaos, Daemonic Icon – 205pts
120 bodies seems pretty good for an army to have. It covers the board and with the ability to move 8″+d6 and get a chance to charge seems pretty good. I wish they had some kind of advance pre game option like a lot of other armies but I get the feeling the Daemon Codex was made at the same times as the Marines/CSM books which means a lot of the newer book rules was not thought of when these guys were tested and built. Still it isn’t too bad and you can get there with your armies.
From here we can look at some Elite options. I do think Fiends might have a place right now as your army is full of assault goodness and you could use some guys that can lock some units in instead of trying to find ways to triangle lock down your opponents models. With their Leadership of 7 it might be worth it to run a few 2 man units. It allows you to hide some a bit and with their additional wound in the new rules they could survive a bit.
- Elites: Fiends of Slaanesh X 2 – 84pts
- Elites: Fiends of Slaanesh X 2 – 84pts
- Elites: Fiends of Slaanesh X 2 – 84pts
This sits us at 1377 pts which is a weird number. I blame those pesky Fiends and their kinda weird point total. Still I think having a few there to help lock some things down might be worth it. I really wish the Keeper of Secrets didn’t just have 12 wounds. If it had 10 it could be really interesting to look at – but sitting at 12 just means that weird small model (maybe bigger soon) will just get shot to pieces. It is just annoying and I think we should look at some other things to add to the army. I could look at some of the Chariots as they dropped in points. I just don’t want to every buy those models as they look horrible to build, paint, and transport. Thus I will look elsewhere – like at some Seekers of Slaanesh. Seekers dropped to 15 points a piece and the whole new Herald of Slaanesh might work well with them. Let’s throw in a unit of 20 and see where we are at.
- FA: Seekers of Slaanesh X 20, Instrument of Chaos, Daemonic Icon – 325pts
Right now that least us a bit under 300 points to work with and I get the feeling we might need to look at some more Characters to help out. This means a Supreme command, some more HQ choices, and the finishing of this pure slaanesh force.
- HQ: Herald of Slaanesh – 60pts
- HQ: Herald of Slaanesh – 60pts
- HQ: Infernal Enchantress (New Wrath and Rapture model) – 80pts
- HQ: Infernal Enchantress (New Wrath and Rapture model) – 80pts
This sits you at 1982 points
You got waves of bodies to throw around, and enough redundancy in HQ/Character auras that you should be ok. Everyone will have a +1 Strength, probably get a chance to have a model come back, and maybe reroll 1’s if need be. Plus the army will be full of models that cover the table top and get a chance to lock things down. I keep thinking about some CSM Dreadnought nonsense to use with Waves of Daemonettes but I figured a true Slaanesh force might be fun to break down. Let’s write it out all out at once to check out.
Behold My Masterpiece
Writing this in the new ITC format for list building with BCP.
Battalion Detachment 5CP (Chaos Daemons ) [97pl, 1702pts]
Daemonic Alliance – Slaanesh
Herald of Slaanesh [4pl, 60pts]
The Masque of Slaanesh [4pl, 65pts]
Daemon Prince of Chaos [9pl, 180pts] Malefic Talon X 2, Wings – Warlord
Fiends of Slaanesh [4pl, 84pts] X 2
Fiends of Slaanesh [4pl, 84pts] X 2
Fiends of Slaanesh [4pl, 84pts] X 2
Daemonttes [12pl, 205pts] X 30, Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos
Daemonttes [12pl, 205pts] X 30, Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos
Daemonttes [12pl, 205pts] X 30, Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos
Daemonttes [12pl, 205pts] X 30, Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos
-Fast Attack-
Seekers of Slaanesh [20pl, 325pts] X 20, Daemonic Icon, Instrument of Chaos
Supreme Command 1CP (Chaos Daemons) [16pl, 280pts]
Daemonic Alliance – Slaanesh
Herald of Slaanesh [4pl, 60pts]
Herald of Slaanesh [4pl, 60pts]
Infernal Enchantress [4pl, 80pts]
Infernal Enchantress [4pl, 80pts]
Total CP – 9 – Total pts – 1982
There you have it – a pure Slaanesh force that should just be a wave of pinching claws, sideways glances, and questionable decision making. It should be fast, be aggressive, and maybe pull the game out from under those pesky Eldar jerks.
~Happy Slaanesh New Year Everybody! See you in 2019.