Goatboy’s 40K: Peering Into the 2019 Crystal Ball

Goatboy here and this is the last post of the year for me. Today I want to wax a bit on what we might have coming down the pipeline and maybe guess some of the sweet stuff hitting the game store’s display cases..
Overall the year was pretty good with a ton of interesting releases, the return of Plastic Dudesmen, and overall a pretty positive batch of 40k nonsense. I know the meta had some stagnation at the end but here is hoping we have a blast off to the next year of 40k with some new releases, updated armies, and maybe new and unique.
Vigilus 2 – Electric Boogaloo
First of all – we know there is a part 2 coming for Vigilus. This is the return of Abaddon with hopefully a new model. They better be bringing something new due to the lack of point adjustments from the new CA and his current model being so dang old. This would imply a whole bunch of Chaos stuff coming for Vigilus with new formations. I am guessing a few Black Legion ones based on different ideas listed in the last editions books – Hounds of Abaddon, The Black Legion Dancers, etc. I could see some kind of Khorne based one due to his usage of a specific Daemon Prince to kick the crap out of Cadia. Plus there is that whole Sorcerer that is always listed in any lore book that deals with one of the Black Crusades. Beyond the Black Legion – I wonder if we will see some kind of World Eater thing as Kharn is normally hanging around as well. The initial gift of Slaanesh goodness should also continue with most likely a Keeper of Secrets coming down the pipeline. I hope they fix it’s rules but will see.
Who Else Comes to Vigilus?
From there I bet the Grey Knights come to Vigilus too. There are too many Daemon things to not let those goodie too shoes come to the planet, try to look bad ass, and most likely get their armor too dirty. From there I wonder if will see something for the Fallen too. There is so much sitting there and waiting for a release or two. I still don’t see anything for Necrons or Tau coming because they just don’t fit the storyline right now. I hope Vigilus two is really just a ton of bad guy stuff with some “hero” nonsense thrown in for the good guys. I think the Formations do add a lot to their armies and letting everyone play with it would be nice. Heck how annoying was it to see a lot of Knight stuff in the book but no Knight Formation? Let’s hope we get another batch of 10+ formation options with some neat new characters.
Chaos Lords Looking for a Handout
Speaking of Characters – can we please get a good Chaos Lord? Right now the best Chaos Lord like models are Ahriman (The Pretzel Peanut Butter Combo for 40k), Abaddon, and the regular old Daemon Prince. The regular Chaoslord is ok as the model is very cheap – but if you can fit in some extra points somewhere you always upgrade to the Daemon Prince. I would love to see some interesting auras and other abilities that could allow the addition of a Chaos Lord for a CSM army to sorta be mandatory. How many stories has the AM pooping their pants when a Chaos Lord walks into the room? Where is the “oh Crap!” thoughts whenever this ancient villain of the apocalypse saunters into the salon and tries to convince you that the Emperor is not the true savior of the grim dark universe?
New Marine Codex
Sometime tells me will see a new Marine book coming out. Look at the listed “rules” for Crimson fists in the new White Dwarf? There is no way that the rest of the Marine chapters don’t have updated rules. In fact – you can probably guarantee a new book is coming sooner than later. Normally Q1 needs some kind of good push to help sales and adding a ton of new Marine goodness might be just what the 40k universe needs. I like the listed rules for Crimson Fists and hope we see all the Chapters get updated – and the book no longer just become codex Ultramarine. Maybe will see some new kits to fill in the Primarus gaps that are in the current list. Or I might just be blowing a ton of smoke up yer butts.
From there I don’t expect a whole lot of Primarchs to show up. Beyond seeing a bad one coming out at some point (my money is on Fulgrim as he is in the fluff) I don’t think it will be an early year release. Abaddon is not known to work as well with the other “bigger” bad guys and he won’t share the stage if he has too. I still think will see some new triumvirate at some point. They all sold so well so it just makes sense to have more. My wallet cries a bit because I am sure the ones coming will be Chaos based and heck maybe even Ork based. Lord this could be an expensive year. Oh yeah – where the heck is Genestealer Cults?
Hey, I exist, and have rules! Really!
Ynarri Love?
I sure hope we see Ynarri come out with a book that has similar abilities like the Sisters. Remove this whole double move/shoot/etc bit and make it something that builds as you kill stuff. This would be some other kind of point system you could use as you complete your mission of causing death, sucking in the souls before they go to Slaanesh, and then unleashing some kind of good but not too good set of rules. Heck I would just love to see it come out, get released with a ton of updated Eldar Kits, and finally make the army into something interesting instead of just an overpowered combo piece.
GW Tourney Rules
Beyond all of the model thoughts I would love to see GW really push a complete matched play system for tournaments. I love being able to play all over the states with a locked in set of rules (ITC etc) – but wonder if GW could build something just as fun, simple, and effective to use. I know they said that they will run events up in Grapevine so will have to see. I expect them to be more hobby focused and instead of just brutal destruction of every opponent you will need to also do the hobby dance. Will see when GW will finally start the thunder dome of matched play 40k.
Alright I am going to end this meandering post with some wishful thinking. I hope this next year I get to play more games, finish more armies, and get a few tournament wins with something. Until next time – roll some 6’s, praise Chaos, and hope your army doesn’t get too nerfed.