GW Rumor Engine: Kill It With Fire

The latest Games Workshop Rumor Engine is out and it doubles as a light and a weapon – It’s time to get LIT!
While it might be obvious what we’re looking at that doesn’t mean this new Rumor Engine is a easy one to guess. See for yourself.
With so many reveals lately, what possible secrets could the Rumour Engine have left?
It’s a torch. That’s the easy part. Now the real question is who does it belong to? Maybe we should start with a broader question – what system is this for?
Now, my gut tells me to start with the an Inquisitor for 40k. They like torches and are down with heretic burning.
But this one feels pretty low-tech. Maybe it’s a zealot or priest?
I mean Pious Vorne is a pretty strong candidate – the torches look pretty much identical! Could this be a new Zealot unit of type? Hey – her weapon was a gift from Thaddeus the Purifier, so he would have to get it from some somewhere, right!? Whatever it is, this torch isn’t going to be a new xenos model…
But what about Age of Sigmar? They are pretty low-tech and respect a good flame. Remember these old Witch Hunter models from Mordheim?
Could we be seeing an update to their design? Here’s another question – what if those flames aren’t red but they were green?
The Nighthaunts are pretty low-tech and they could easily wield a ghostly torch. Just tossing that out there.
So what do you think? What setting is this torch from and what model would be wielding it? Sisters of Battle perhaps? Let us know in the comments!