GW: Time To Sub-up For White Dwarf

Games Workshop is changing White Dwarf quite a bit for the new year and it might be time to get a subscription.
The new format of White Dwarf looks to have loads of new rules. Now, I am a fan of getting new rules, I just am not a fan of being unable to find/buy those rules. That’s one of the reasons I’m hesitant about the new Crimson Fist rules being printed in the January White Dwarf. However, if Games Workshop really is going to start publishing a ton of extra rules in the White Dwarf, having a subscription is going to be the best way to get your hands on them.
Warhammer Community has been showcasing quite a few new additions to each of the game systems. Blackstone Fortress is getting a new mission, Kill Team is getting Kroot Merc rules, AoS is getting a skirmish option – and there are loads more! That all sounds really cool. January’s White Dwarf seems like it’s going to be pretty packed…and that’s a good thing, right?
White Dwarf – Rules Supplement?
The White Dwarf has always sprinkled new rules and support for the ‘other’ games in the magazine over the years. I think that having rules in the magazine certainly helps to sell it to the more “gamer-only” types that might not normally buy issues.
Maybe it’s just the new spin they are presenting for the new format next year. After all, WD has always had rules alongside all the other content. And maybe they are just packing in a TON of those rules in the January edition. I worry that this new “rules heavy” model isn’t that sustainable for the long run – and honestly, it doesn’t seem like it would be.
Again, the biggest issue I have with rules in the White Dwarf is getting my hands on them later. If I miss an issue that has some major rules change that’s an artificial barrier to entry for me – and anyone else who missed that issue. Now, for the most part these rule haven’t been major/sweeping changes – but occasionally, they have been pretty impactful.
For example, the rules for Death Watch Kill Teams were printed in a White Dwarf in the 3rd edition era. They were neat, but their rules could only be found in that particular White Dwarf. These rules were reprinted later in a supplement call “Chapter Approved.”
Chapter Approved/Generals Handbook vs White Dwarf
Now that Chapter Approved and the General’s Handbook have taken over as the new yearly rules update for 40k and AoS, what will GW do with all the rules they print in the White Dwarf? Are they just going to release them free online? Are they going to create a White Dwarf Annual that collects all the rules they created and sell that next December? What’s the plan here WD team?
I think it’s great that all the game systems are going to get regular content and maybe that’s good enough reason to get a subscription. That would be the best way to easy my fear of missing out on something that *might* be important. Or I can just take the risk of missing out and hope that GW releases those rules for free later or puts out a compilation issue/annual at the end of the year.
Time To Sub?
For me, it really boils down to those two options – sub to ensure I get all the rules or skip it an hope that I can find the rules later. Maybe for you, the security of knowing that the rules are on the way outweighs the fear of missing out. Or maybe you’re okay with the risk and are willing to gamble that GW will release those rules later. You can also attempt to track down a copy of the White Dwarf you need later, right?
So what’s it going to be for you? Are you going to sub, hunt, or skip the new White Dwarf?
Rules. Why did it have to be more rules…