HOBBY: The Bigboss’ Week of Blogging #178

Seriously sidetracked this week as I ended up painting a Dark Alliance team from Greebo for a friend!
Hi! Tommy from the blog BigbossRedSkullz.
A friend asked if I wanted to paint his Dark Alliance team from Greebo. The Dark Alliance is basically all the elven teams for BB but themed from the Dark Elf portion of it.
The models in the set are great and I felt it would be fun to do so I dug right in. My friends set is the full with all support staff and whatnot so it is almost 40 models to paint here!
So the biggest single lot of minis that I’ve painted for years and years. These are even stock assembled! Ah well, always nice to shake things up once in a while 🙂
More stuff from the Dark Alliance set here.
I’m also on Facebook, Instagram and on Pinterest!
Next week it’ll be Nightvault and the last part of the Dark Alliance team!