Ahh, who can forget the most beloved of Chaos codices. The one that still gets old vets teary eyed. The “everything AND the kitchen sink” 3.5 codex included rules for every Legion and allowed ultimate flexibility in list creation. You could pull off first turn assaulting Daemon Princes , Lash Princes, Iron Warriors with Basilisks, Alpha Legion operatives, you name it – it was in there.
Yes there was a time when dinosaurs ruled the Earth – the glory days of BIG BUGS. Kelly and Chambers kicked out a book that stomped its way across the table at a time when the Carnifex was the be all end all of the Hive Fleets. It seems that the other races have been out-evolving the Tyranids in codex design ever since. Remember having to deal with this ten years back?
The book that brought the community Nob Bikers. Greenskin players everywhere thanks the heavens for Phil Kelly and his loveletter to to Mork and Gork. It only went downhill from this book. Anyone remember building (or fighting) lists like this:
Warboss on Bikes X 2, PK, Bike, Cybork, Attack Squig
Nob Bikers x 10, Painboy, All different wargear, 4-5 Klaws
This “deep strike” book was good, then became TURBO-CHARGED with the White Dwarf Screamer Update. fro awhile everyone was panicking over lists like these:
The book that brought the world Leafblower. How can we ever forget the year everyone and their brother built all mech alpha strike IG lists. I’m sure Forgeworld appreciated the Medusa sales spike.
The Grey Knights returned to the game after a decades long absence with a GIANT splash. Hello Draigo Star – Paladins, Draigo, Libbie – walking around not giving an Eff. All the psybolt shots. Ultimately like Doomrider, the Grey Knight’s reign of terror was mercifully short-lived. They came, they went…
The Matt Ward Flying Croissant Circus. This is the book that defined Flyer-Spam. Perhaps the book that invoked the most venom in opposing players. While the list could face the occasional hard counter, or be tabled on turn one by a wily foe, in general players hated having to deal with lists like this: Flavor with more Croissants per your taste…
2 Destroyer Lords, Scythe, 4+ inv save, the + to will be back
4 Croissants with 5 Warriors in each
3 units of 6 Wraiths
3 Annihilation Barges
~Which one do you think holds the crown for All-time “King of Codices”?
Who can forget the Alaitoc Ranger Disruption table, or the Ulthwe’s Black Guardians. It may not have destabilized the game, but boy – it didn’t make you any friends…
~What notorious codex candidates do you have from 6th and 7th Edition?
Dad, Gamer, Publisher, Pilot, Texan. All games all the time since junior-high.
I started BoLS Interactive in 2006. I’m a lifelong tabletop & RPG gaming enthusiast, and internet publisher working to entertain and inform my readers every day.
I've been playing RPGs and Tabletop Games since the 1970s. I'm been playing and covering Warhammer and Warhammer 40K for over 35 years.