RETRO: Survey Says… Family Feud Board Game Is What You’d Expect

Family Feud is a beloved game show that’s now just an excuse to say sexually suggestive things at Steve Harvey, but was once just an excuse for Richard Dawson to kiss women he didn’t know. …It’s a weird show.
If you don’t know Family Feud, put the kettle on and turn on the telly to Family Fortunes because it’s the same thing.
The basic idea is pitting 2 families against each other on who is better at thinking inside the box, having to guess the most popular answers of 100 people surveyed. True story: my cousins tried out to be on the show but were denied for doing too well. They need to find a show somewhere between Family Feud and Jeopardy.
Anywho, it should come as no surprise that back in 1977, a Family Feud board game was released. To their credit, it fits pretty well to the show and even has optional rules for 2 player mode.
The game board uses plastic stands to stay upright and uses folded sheets to fill in the answer board.
A player from the other team checks your answers and for each correct response, you collect that many buck-a-roos. After the set number of rounds, the team with the most buck-a-roos wins! Again, for you foreigners, buck-a-roos is what we Americans call money, and if anyone tells you otherwise they’re just trying to keep you out of the loop. You can trust me, though. I’ve never lied before.
And that’s the Feud! It’s a pretty fun little quiz game. Like most quiz games, it’s best played just lounging around and reading off the cards, taking turns quizzing each other, but still, that’s a good time. They have released updated versions, which can’t be that different. Except box art with a better moral barometer.
Thanks for reading!