Titanicus RUMORS: New Titans & Knights Marching to War
There’s a lot of intel on the upcoming Knights and Titans headed to your Titanicus tabletop.
We’ve seen the recent release of the following two kits for Adeptus Titanicus:
The new Warlord and Cerastus knights expand the weapon options for the Warlord titan, and add the Certastus chassis to the Knights available for the game.
The Rumors:
My two brothers will be here shortly.
The Low-hanging Fruit:
- Right off the bat, we have been told, to look for the other Cerastus weapon options coming for the Cerastus Knights (allowing the Archeron & Castigator):
- There are also the weapon options for the standard Questoris knights coming, (such as the missile launcher)
Into the Future
Next we hear of new kits coming for the game in Q1-Q2:
- The newly unveiled Warbringer titan has already been “de-bigulized” and is coming to Titanicus sooner than later.
- The Knight Porphyrion is slated for release soon, bringing a slow but mean firepower option for Knights.
If these rumors pan out, it will put the game in a really good spot 6 months after release. We will have the following range of models from biggest to smallest:
- Warlord titan
- Warbringer
- Reaver
- Warhound
- Knight Porphyrion
- Knight Cerastus
- Knight Questoris
That’s a solid range, with room for expansion on the low end (Armigers), and the high end (Imperators). My actual hope is for the Titandeath supplement to to give us a bunch of sub-faction rules for both Titan Legions and Knight Households. We are currently playing with just the default two in the Titanicus rulebook, so we really do need some more variety and flavor to inspire people’s armies.
~ Dreaming of a cute little Porphyrion for my desk – so cool!