Wrath & Rapture, Chapter Approved, Noise Marines, Vigilus Countdown & More!

It’s been a crazy weekend. We’ve Wrath & Rapture, Chapter Approved, New Noice Marines, A ticking mystery for Vigilus, new Monsterpocalypse and a some Pimpcron. Check it out!
Pimpcron: Making Tournaments Fair
As always, Pimpcron has the answers to your problems.
GW Pre-Orders: Pricing & Links – Wrath & Rapture Arrives
Games Workshop unleashes the forces of Chaos with Wrath and Rapture – get ready for a Khorne and Slaanesh invasion!
FFG New Arrivals: L5R RPG, LoTR: TCG, & A GoT Catan Expansion
Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game gets a sourcebook, The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game gets a new Adventure Pack, and A Game of Thrones: Catan get a new 5-6 player expansion this week from Fantasy Flight Games!
40K: Renegade Knights Get Some Love In Chapter Approved 2018
Hey Chaos Players – were you bummed about not getting to bust out a Renegade Knight Dominus and shoot Plasma Decimators at your foes? Well guess who’s getting an index update in the new Chapter Approved.
Chapter Approved 2018 Overview – More Than Just Points Changes
There is a lot going on inside Chapter Approved 2018 and it’s more than just a points update. It’s got new missions, character customization rules, narrative enhancements, terrain updates, looted wagon rules, updated profiles and so much more.
Games Workshop’s New 6 Daemon Bag ‘Wrath & Rapture’ Unboxed
There are six daemon armies in this one box. Get ready to unleash the hordes of Khorne and Slaanesh on your friends and foes alike with Wrath and Rapture!
Bolt Action: New A13 Cruiser Tanks & Tactics
These new A13 series kits are a great way to add some armor to your early war British army. The kit contains the parts for MkIII, modernized MkIII and MkIV variants, so you have several options for load outs. Take a look… 1 2 3 NEXT ›
Monsterpocalypse: The Martian Menace Moves In
The Martians are coming! The Martians are coming! Monsterpocalypse manifests martian madness–see what UFOs can do for YOU.
40K: The War For Vigilus Is Coming – 79 Days Left
Launching with a mysterious video that teases an 80-day countdown to something big hitting Vigilus–here’s a quick peek at what’s coming to Vigilus.
40K: The New Noise Marine Is A Glam Rock Nightmare – Take A Closer Look
Today GW brings both the funk and the noise with a preview of the new Noise Marines, slated to hit shelves next weekend! Come take a look at the details of this mohawked maverick.