Wyrd: New Keywords for Malifaux 3rd Edition – Full List of Henchmen and Masters

Wyrd has shared a full list of their existing model range and their corresponding ME3 Keywords this week. Check to see where your collection stands.
The latest edition adds some new mechanics. The core rules haven’t been changed so much as optimized without taking away what players love about the game: its layers of strategic decision making. Deployment zones have been adjusted, threat ranges increased, and there are more mobility options. All of this means getting into combat, and starting the action, faster. Changes also include how crews are formed – and which Keywords every model has.
As a reminder, in M3E, your Leader can hire any models that share a Keyword with them, as well as any Versatile models in their declared faction, at their listed Cost. They can also hire models belonging to their declared Faction, albeit at +1 Cost. Totems are not specifically noted on this list but can only be hired into a Crew that contains their Master. Versatile models are denoted with asterisks after their names.
Crews can be led by both Masters and Henchmen, both of which have been noted below, along with any secondary Keywords that those models can hire without penalty. As you look through this list, you’ll see a few models that have undergone name changes, which are noted where applicable. And, not that it’s needed to be said again, but just in case: M3E is still in beta-form, and details are always subject to change.
All right, take a deep breath, because we’re diving in!