2019 GW Roadmap – This Year Looks Even Crazier Than 2018

We’ve seen the latest GW Developer reveals, and have the recent releases and rumors to give us idea of what 2019 will look like – and it’s NUTS!
OK, let’s pull together everything we know and can take educated guesses on.
Pretty Sure…
This list of potential 2019 release are not in any order and we will note why they are on the list:
Genestealer Cult – These guys should be here in a few weeks.
Vigilus 2 – This is looking like March based on that 90 day countdown.
Abaddon – Very Strong indications The Despoiler is coming to Vigilus, ahem, Haarken Worldclaimer is the herald of who again?
Slaanesh Returns – GW admitted this is happening for Age of Sigmar.
Keeper of Secrets – We’ve seen artwork, and it’s got to be part of either Slaanesh’e AoS return, or maybe even Vigilus 2
Sisters of Battle – It’s only a matter or time.
Space Marine Primaris 2nd Wave & Codex – Lots of rummormill chatter on this one. A whole lot.
Skaven – The Nefarious Ratmen are getting some love in Age of Sigmar. I expect them to finally get a Battletome shoehorned in one of these weeks.
Blood Angels Campaign – There has been talk of the 40K Narrative moving to Baal with new updates minis (I’d bet on Dante and Sanguinius) after Vigilus concludes later in the year.
New High Elves – There has been chatter of the remaining Elf ranges from Warhammer Fantasy getting redone in the aftermath of Slaanesh’s return. See, they’ve been missing because they have been guarding his prison. Look closely, they are on those floating islands in the Slaanesh prison picture up there.
I can Dream Can’t I?
Things we’d like to see – but we’ll see.
Fulgrim & Emperor’s Children – these are possible tie-ins to the “Slaanesh Returns” theme for the year. Unknown how much of the new AoS Slaanesh will spill over into the Grimdark. Hopefully a LOT.
Black Legion & Fabius – If Abaddon is returning, I can only assume there will be more new CSMs and Black Legion in particular. Fabius got his own novel, has tons of plot hooks liad down already, and it only makes sense that he sould become a major Chaos player in the Primaris-era. Also boy does he need a new mini.
~Don’t even get me started on Specialist Games – that’s for another day.