40K: Genestealer Cults – Major Reveals & New Miniatures

Games Workshop has pulled the covers off the Genestealer Cults and WOW! Get ready for a new batch of models dedicated to the Four-Armed Emperor – Ascension Day is upon us.
The New Year Open Day is here and Games Workshop does not disappoint with all the new reveals for the Genestealer Cults! First off we get the full video reveal:
It’s animated, it’s creepy, and it features a ton of hints at something BIG heading our way:
I wonder what that could be…
Start your Tyranid speculation now.
Anyhow, Games Workshop also showed off a TON of cool miniatures for the line. Get ready for an invasion from below as the Genestealer Cults Rise up!
This time around, we’re bringing the upper echelons of the cults to life with a cast of new Characters. These are an unlikely pack of civilian revolutionaries – from freedom-fighting assassins to vox-hacking technicians who use cunning rather than brute force to help you claim victory for your cult:
These four new characters are coming to expand your options and give some extra help to the leadership of the Genestealer Cults – We can’t wait to find out what they are going to do on the tabletop!
Along with that, the video also teased a couple more character-types on the way. One we’ve seen before, another…well, take a look:
We also got another look at some more units on the way with the GSC BMX/ATV Crew:
They are ready for the 40k X-Games
We also know a little bit more about that mysterious Gunslinger, too. Turns out he’s coming to Kill Team!
Starn’s the name. Gunslingin’s the game!
And finally for the Genestealer Cult reveals, we’ve also got a new Terrain feature coming along with the army:
The Tectonic Fragdrill “allows you to quite literally undermine your enemy’s best-laid plans” or so we’re being told. I have no doubt this kit will have it’s own set of special rules which is great! More cool terrain is always welcomed at our tabletop.
The Genestealer Cult Invasion commences soon…get ready for a new codex in early 2019!