40K: The Expanded Adeptus Custodes Armory
The Adeptus Custodes got some impressive new weapons and options with the Beta Adeptus Custodes Army list. Let’s take a look at a few of the new toys the Emperor’s Golden Gilded Guards now have access to in 40k.
Last week, Games Workshop put out rules for Warhammer 40,000 for the Adeptus Custodes units that are available from Forge World. Many folks skipped over these because they were also released along side the new Venatari Detachment and the new models received a lot of attention. But over the weekend, we took a look at the rules and the Custodes have some pretty cool toys to play with moving forward. Today, we’re going to highlight a few of the options you can now run in your Adeputs Custodes army.
All of these units’ rules can be found in the free PDF download from Forge World HERE.
Aquilon Custodians
This unit is your basic “terminator” version of the Adeptus Custodes. There is another variant that uses Firepikes as well. We like this unit for a few reasons but first and foremost is because they are wielding Lastrum storm bolters. Unfortunately, they aren’t Adeptus Astartes so they don’t get to double their shots at max range. But they are still pretty mean with a Str 5 Ap -1 Rapid Fire 2 weapon. Plus, their Solerite Power Gauntlets are better powerfists without the -1 to hit. On top of all that, they are extremely tough and can move forward unleashing all manner of death on their foes. And if you really wanted to get nasty, deepstrike them in with Firepikes and burn EVERYTHING.
Agamantus Custodians
These are a new option for the Custodes to run. They are a fast attack slot and function similar to the Jet Bikes – but they have a different armament. The Twin Las-Pulser seems pretty solid and could be very useful for the Custodes because it will help them to punch through thicker armor at range. The 14″ move combined with the 24″ range means you’ll be able to get where you need to go and open fire.
Caladius Grav-Tank
The Adeptus Custodes now have a non-Land Raider tank (yea!) and it’s got some pretty good fire power. There is one weird thing we noticed, however. The Twin Arachnus Heavy Blaze Cannon’s Beam fire mode is a bit underwhelming. Compared to the Burst mode it’s just not that impressive. With only 2 shots that will probably hit and wound, it still can’t kill a Rhino in a turn. That’s not good. In fact, based on the Burst profile’s stat line – we’d recommend just sticking with the default Twin Iliastus Accelerator Cannon. It’s just going to be better in most situations.
Telemon Heavy Dreadnought
This new heavy dread is kinda cool. It’s tougher and meaner than a lot of other versions of dreads out there with 14 wounds, a 4+ invulnerable and a 6+ “Feel no pain” check, this dread is almost as tough as a knight! Depending on what role you want it to run, the 2 Arachnus storm cannon load out is pretty beefy as it can generate a LOT of shots with a good strength, AP and damage. Again, that’s a great asset for an army who can have trouble with thicker armor. Alternately, you could load-up on the Telemon Caestus and get the Twin Plasma Projectors in each arm and generate 4D3 “flamer” style attacks while you charge forward to punch your way to victory.
Sagittarum Custodians
Finally, we are taking a look at the Sagittarum Custodians. This unit is sort of like a Devestator Version of Custodes – if that unit was entirely combi-heavy bolters (if there was such a weapon). Basically this unit can opt to fire their Adratus Bolt Caliver in one of two modes – or both at a -1 to hit. That sounds cool in theory, but you’d have to be within 12″ for the Disintegration beam to be effective. They are still Custodes so they aren’t slouches in close combat, but at the same time, this unit is good at killing lightly armored units and that’s not something the army generally has an issue with. Still on the fence about this unit.
There are still more units to re-discover for the Adeptus Custodes. These rules are still beta versions and are subject to change – but at least the custodes army is getting some more units to add to their roster.
What do you think of the new additions to the Adeptus Custodes – any units stand out for you in particular?