Adeptius Titanicus: Titandeath Knight Houses Helper

We got a preview copy of Adeptus Titanicus Titandeath and it’s got a couple handy charts that will help players decide which Knight Houses to run with their Titan Legion.
Titandeath is the first expansion for Adeptus Titanicus and it’s packed with loads of useful information that will help to expand the game even further. Check out the table of contents for starters:
Lots of background about Beta-Garmon and the different planets involved in the conflict, 8 new Titan Legions with rules to explore, 4 new Maniples with new ways to run your Titans, narrative missions, campaign tips, and finally – two charts that list out the different Knight houses that participated in the conflict.
Personally, I was really glad to see this in the book. When I was researching what Titan Legion I wanted to play I was able to check out the Lexicanum and the Horus Heresy Black Books. However, even with those resources, it is still difficult to track down which Knight houses were working with specific legions. If you weren’t going to create your own Knight house and you wanted to have a “historically accurate” color scheme then these lists will help you out tremendously:
Loyalist Knight Houses at Beta-Garmon
Traitor Knight Houses at Beta-Garmon
Again, at the end of the day they are your models and you can paint them however you choose. But if you want to build an army based on the lore then this book has the goods! I also like this because it helps to take a lot of the anxiety out of what colors to use for your Knights – pick your Titan Legion, check which Knight houses worked with them, and use those colors. And yes, they will probably be strikingly different than your Titans. That’s the point.
Most Titan Legions had a Knight house or two that supported them so if you need to expand your forces with more Knights, it should be pretty simple to do that. Now I just need to get to painting…
It’s time to get a hobby weekend going – good luck fellow Titan Princeps!