Age Of Sigmar Gets A Roleplaying Game For The Mortal Realms
Cubicle 7, makers of the new Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying Game, are bringing their talents to the Mortal Realms. Here’s a quick update on the Age of Sigmar roleplaying game.
That’s right friends, Cubicle 7, makers of the latest edition of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay are hard at work on the Age of Sigmar’s roleplaying game. They have been since they announced it last year, but now that WFRP is out-or-soon-to-be-out in the world with its starter set and adventures introducing characters to the joys of adventuring as a tax collector or rat-catcher and ending up, as most WFRP games do, with the party getting their throats slit in the night by Chaos Cultists, we’re starting to see more burblings of what adventuring in the Mortal Realms is like.
via Cubicle 7
“We’ve been a bit quiet on news for the Age of Sigmar Roleplaying Game (AoSRPG if you’re fancy), so I wanted to let everyone know we are working on it steadily behind the scenes. While I can’t give away too much now, I will have some big news to share in the coming weeks.
What I can say is that the AoSRPG will have a brand new rules system built from the ground up to reflect roleplaying in the Mortal Realms. The system uses d6 dice pools and players will choose from Archetypes during character creation. One of our key goals is to make the system accessible to new players so we have built “Archetypes” to choose from during character creation. These give you more focused starting options in order to make it less daunting for new players, but after that the game opens up completely as you explore and advance. We’ll be starting with the forces of Order, but we have plans for more “unconventional” heroes in future products.
All updates will be posted here on our blog, on Cubicle 7’s platforms and you can also find me on twitter @Emmetation where I share some of my wandering thoughts as we write and develop the game. The folks on the Ratcatcher’s Guild (the Warhammer Fantasy Discord) have also been kind enough to create the “aosrpg” room for us in there.”
We’re excited around the BoLS office–the Mortal Realms seem designed to be a perfect RPG setting and we’ve been wanting that for a while. Soon, soon our dreams of playing a bunch of Kharadron accountants and High Aelf taxonomists will be coming true. Worth mentioning, they say that “unconventional heroes” will be outside of the forces of Order, but in the Age of Sigmar, if you’re not Chaos, Dead, or Orks, you’re order. So you might see Stormcast Barristers alongside Murder Elf Murderers Daughters of Khaine chirurgeons.
We’ll keep you up to date on the AoSRPG as more news develops. In the meantime you can find out more about the world-that-was from their Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay page.
Happy Adventuring!