Age of Sigmar: Gloomspire Gitz Allegiance Abilities

With the Bad Moon on the rise, and the Gloomspite Gitz ready to swarm over the Mortal Realms, we’ve got a look at their allegiance abilities for your viewing pleasure.
That’s right folks, the Bad Moon, which Gorkamorka famously couldn’t take a bite out of/is a giant spider egg waiting to hatch/holds influence over the myriad goblins of the Mortal Realms is waxing bright and casting long shadows. And creeping out from those shadows, the Gloomspite Gitz are ready to spread its lunacy across the face of the worlds. Today, we have a look at how exactly they’ll do it.
via Warhammer Community
When building a Gloomspite Gitz army, you’ve got three separate factions to choose from, Moonclan Grots, Spiderfang Grots, and Troggoths. Each of which has their own flavor, playstyle, and special warscroll rules.
And of course there are scads of squigs, waiting to devour friend and foe alike, including a general riding a mangler squig…
But no matter what you choose to play, all of your units will benefit from the maddening light of the Bad Moon, which grants a number of powerful benefits to your army and banes to your enemy:
Enemy Units anywhere on the board are bombarded with meteors from the Bad Moon, and take damage.
AdvertisementGloomspite Gitz Wizards under the Bad Moon get +1 to their casting rolls, while all other wizards get -1.
Gloomspite Gitz Generals get an additional command point in each hero phase they’re under the Bad Moon.
Squigs under the Bad Moon can run and charge in the same turn.
Moonclan Grot units re-roll hit rolls of 1.
Spiderfang Grot units deal mortal wounds on a 5+ to hit, rather than a 6+.
AdvertisementTroggoths can re-roll the dice to see if they regenerate wounds, or double the results of their first roll.
However, the Bad Moon isn’t fixed in one point in the sky. It starts in one corner of the board, and starting on the second battle round, begins to move from corner to corner, so you’ll need to be thinking a turn or two ahead of your opponent in order to maximize its advantages.
And we don’t know exactly how it works, if you can always take advantage of its various buffs or if they shift–but one thing is clear, these tools will help your tiny goblins punch well above their weight.
Nobody knows what it’s like to be the bad moon…