AoS: The Relics & Spells of the Gloomspite Gitz

Games Workshop is previewing a handful of new Relics and Spells for the upcoming Gloomspite Gitz. It’s Grots, Grots and Troggoths in this new showcase from Warhammer: Age of Sigmar!
Yesterday we got a look at the Allegiance Ability of the Gloomspire Gitz. Today, we’re getting taste of their magical prowess as well as a look at some of the fantastical Relics they will be bringing into battle. This is just the tip of the iceberg as well as there are three factions that comprise the Gloomspire Gitz: The Moonclan Grots, the Spiderfang Grots, and the Troggoths. So let’s dive in!
The Moonclan Grots
The Moonclan Grots are your typical Moonclan Goblins from ages past. The good news is that it’s not just their models that got a nice refresher as they are packing some new tricks to unleash on their unsuspecting foes.
For starters, the Moonface Mommet is a new Relic option that subtracts 1 from save rolls for an entire unit within 12″ of the bearer. That’s actually REALLY powerful! That’s a free rend for all attacks that target that unit. Granted, this is gobbo’s attacking but still – it’s death by a thousand cuts and those cuts are just a little bit more deadly than they should be.
Another option is the Spiteful Prodder which focuses the “cruelty of nearby grots” and allows you to fire it at enemy units within 18″ of the bearer. For each Grot unit wholly within 12″ of the bearer, the target unit can get hit for D3 mortal wounds on a 5+ die roll! It’s not that difficult to pack a lot of units of Grots in that size of a space…that attack has some potential to be pretty damaging.
On the spell side of the house, we have The Hand of Gork:
This isn’t a smash attack – it’s a teleporting spell! If it’s successful, you can remove a unit of Gloomspite Gitz from the battlefield and set them up more than 9″ away from any enemy units! I was NOT expecting them to be that tricky to catch…
The Spiderfang Grots
Do you want to run all spiders, all the time?! The Spiderfang Grots are the option for you. They have a couple of tricks up their spider-silk sleeves as well:
The Headdress of Many Eyes is a new Relic option that provides the bearer with some bonus defense as attackers will have to subtract 1 to hit rolls that target the bearer! That combos really nicely with the new spell Sneaky Distraction:
This spell subtracts 1 from attack rolls of the victim unit. A character with the Headdress in combat with the Sneaky Distraction spell cast on them is at a -2 to hit! That’s going to put a damper on a lot of folk’s combat prowess.
I’m personally looking forward to these new Trogg models. I’m not quite sold on starting an entire Troggoth army (but I’m getting VERY tempted). The new Dankhold Troggboss is already a pretty mean looking option and if you want to take it up another step, you could also toss on the Glowy Howzit for some extra durability:
Hey – I never said the Troggs were particularly smart and this Glowy Howzit perfectly encapsulates Troggs: durable yet dumb. As long as your luck holds out and you roll that 4+ you are nigh invincible. But, if you roll that 1…kiss your invincibility good-bye.
How will you utilize these new relics and spells to execute your cunnin’ plan for the Gloomspite Gitz?