Arkham Horror: TCG ‘The Circle Undone’ 6th Investigator Reveal

In a surprise twist Fantasy Flight Games reveals a 6th and final investigator from the upcoming Arkham Horror: The Card Game expansion ‘The Circle Undone’ – and this new investigator will have long time fans dancing with delight!
It’s been a long time coming but Marie Lambeau is finally getting her due. Originally, this powerful investigator was only available as part of a pre-order release for the Investigators of Arkham Horror book, she’s now coming to wide release as the final investigator in The Circle Undone. This means that this new deluxe expansion will contain 2 mystics which seems thematically appropriate for them subject matter.
Marie Lambeau, The Entertainer
““The Smoky Velvet” was born to sing. People said that she had the magic touch. They were righter than they knew. Marie Lambeau’s performances were no normal affair. She heard songs in her dreams, sung in languages spoken by no one on Earth. Why, she did not know. All she knew was that people called her grand-mére a witch, and there were rumors within her family that Marie had inherited her grand-mére’s magic touch. Perhaps there was more than just jazz in Marie’s blood, after all.”
Marie has been an investigator folks have been wanting to get added to their collection for a long time and seeing her card (again) it’s easy to see why. As a 4/4/1/3 she’s quite able to pass most treachery checks involving Will, Lore and even Agility checks. That also means she’s great at activating her spell cards and even searching for clues. She’s not the best at fighting however – but that’s what Shrivelling is for!
Her ability is a little tricky, but with some solid doom management, you’ll be able to really push your luck with it. An additional action to play Spell cards or activate Spell Actions is pretty great. You’ll just have to figure out a way to have a card you control with a doom on it. Luckily, Mystics currently have a few different cards they can use to generate doom – like David Renfield or Arcane Initiate. Both of those cards will help Marie Lambeau out with either extra resources or with the ability to go digging for spell cards to play.
Deckbuilding Restrictions:
Spell cards level 0-5
Mystic cards level 0-3
Neutral Cards 0-5
Occult cards level 0
Up to 5 other level 0 cards from Seeker/and or Survivor.
Signature Cards
Mystifying Song is Marie’s signature card and it’s going to be quite useful for most games. First off, it’s got 2 “wild” icons so if need to toss this to a skill check, it’s universally useful. However, if you choose to play it as a 3 cost event, it can also be used to basically buy another round before the doom on the board causes the agenda to flip. That can literally save you from losing a scenario!
As for her signature weakness, we have the Baron Samedi card. This one stings. When you draw this card he goes into play and he takes up your valuable ally slot. On top of that, you can’t get rid of him until he has 3 doom on him – which means that it’s going to be a minimum of 3 turns before you can toss him in most cases. That doom can also cause the agenda to advance and when the agenda advances, all doom is removed from play. So not only does he speed that up, Baron Samedi will actually stay in play because of it! Ouch. Oh and if that wasn’t bad enough he also causes investigators who take damage at his location to suffer an additional damage. There is a reason he’s a James Bond Villain.
Other Reveals
Prophesy is another card that was teased along with Marie Lambeau’s reveal. This is a great card for her to include as it plays around with the doom mechanic. As a skill card with wild icons, it’s universally useful. It also gets stronger the more doom on the table.
Another great card to have in general is the new Fingerprint Kit. This is an expensive asset to play but it can be used by Marie. However, I have a feeling this is going to show up in many Seeker decks because it allows you to score an additional clue on investigation checks. If only Seekers had a friend who could help them generate resources to help pay for this one.
It’s great to see Marie Lambeau is finally on her way to the game in a deluxe expansion – and what a great time for her to show-up. The Circle Undone looks to be yet another great adventure for Arkham Horror: The Card Game – now we just need it to be released already!
The Circle Undone $29.95
The Circle Undone is the fourth deluxe expansion for Arkham Horror: The Card Game. Here, your team of investigators delve into the mysteries of Arkham’s past, uncovering its macabre history and the motives of those who dwell in its shadows. This expansion contains a playable prologue, first two scenarios of The Circle Undone campaign, as well as new investigator and player cards to further customize your investigations in the world of H. P. Lovecraft’s Mythos.
Theme Deck Challenge: complete a Mythos Cycle with Jim and Marie – a Jazzy Duo!