Goatboy’s 40K: Beta Bolter List – Chaos Biker Gang Rides for Vengeance

Goatboy here again and with the Beta Bolter rules out lets look at Chaos Space Marine army list that would DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA their way to glory!
I talked about this on Monday – but I think Chaos Bikers are something very interesting to look at with the better Bolter rule.
The obvious would be a Slaanesh unit of Bikers but I think with some specific Legion choices mixed with a beneficial set of powers from their Patron Chaos god should get you another biker unit that would be useful. I plan on the army having 2 units of bikers to allow for some chaff clearing mixed with some FW pieces to help answer any “problems” the army could face. Mix this with some strong counter assault options and maybe will have a strong army? Heck it would let me use all the random Chaos Bikers I have built over the years in a list (seriously its nuts how many Chaos bikers I have).
Bolterin’ for Chaos
Let’s start at the top with a Battalion to build off of. I really like Bezerkers and find a few units in some Rhinos to be extremely useful as a threat unit. They move up, get in the way, and if they are all dead at the end of the game they have completed their job. Plus overall they are pretty cheap and effective little set of units with their Double Attacks stacked by a few powerful aura characters.
Chaos Space Marines Battalion – 5CP – [37pl, 593pts]
– Legion – World Eaters –
Dark Apostle – [5pl, 76pts] Combi-Bolter, Mark of Khorne
Exalted Champion – [5pl, 71pts] Chainaxe, Chainsword, Mark of Khorne
Khorne Berzerkers X 8 – [9pl, 146pts] Chainaxe/Chainsword X 8, Iron of Wrath
Khorne Berzerkers X 5 – [5pl, 85pts] Chainaxe/Chainsword X 5
Khorne Berzerkers X 5 – [5pl, 85pts] Chainaxe/Chainsword X 5
-Dedicated Transports-
Chaos Rhino – [4pl, 74pts] Combi-Bolter X 2, Mark of Khorne
Chaos Rhino – [4pl, 74pts] Combi-Bolter X 2, Mark of Khorne
Chaos Space Marines Battalion – 5CP – [80pl, 827pts]
-Legion – Alpha Legion –
Chaos Lord on Bike – [7pl, 115pts] – Chainsword, Combi-Bolter, Mark of Nurgle – Warlord – I am Alpharius – Relic – Hydra Blade
Sorcerer on Bike – [8pl, 142pts] – Force Sword, Combi-Bolter, Mark of Nurgle
Cultists X 10 [3pl, 50pts]
Cultists X 10 [3pl, 50pts]
Cultists X 10 [3pl, 50pts]
Helforged Contemptor – [10pl, 188pts] Hellforged Deathclaw X 2, Soulburner X 2, Mark of Nurgle
Helforged Contemptor – [10pl, 188pts] Hellforged Deathclaw X 2, Soulburner X 2, Mark of Nurgle
Helforged Contemptor – [10pl, 188pts] Hellforged Deathclaw X 2, Soulburner X 2, Mark of Nurgle
-Fast Attack-
Chaos Bikers X 9 – [13pl, 209pts] Chainswords X 8, Combi-Bolter, Mark of Nurgle
Chaos Bikers X 9 – [13pl, 209pts] Chainswords X 8, Combi-Bolter, Mark of Slaanesh
Ruinous Tactics
This army is pretty simple – you have a set of threat units moving forward with the Zerkers followed by Soul Burner dreadnoughts. The Bikers are designed to skate the edges, pop holds in bubble wrap, and hopefully put in a few wounds here and there as needed. I went with Alpha Legion as the flat -1 to hit will be helpful with some of the newer Ork builds that push towards shooting versus straight assault. It also makes sure the Knights play fairly by always having issues putting damage into your units.
The 3 Dreads I like to use are my portable Smites a lot of armies need when dealing with tough stuff. Plus they can help assault things the Zerkers can’t overwhelm with the blood lust of Khrone. It has enough speed to make it viable and I think it might do ok in smaller events. I had to go with 2 Battalions as I needed CP to double shoot slaanesh as needed. Randomly the Nurgle Unit can heal itself as well as the game goes on with another Stratagem.
The only thing I wish I had was another Sorcerer to help out the Slaanesh unit as needed. The Chaos Lord has to be there to generate that reroll Aura that everyone knows and love for Chaos.
~What do you guys think? Is this list too much copy paste on parts? Do you feel it could actually work?