GW Pre-Orders: Gloomspite Gitz Pricing & Links

The new Battletome is ready for pre-order along with the first wave of Gloomspite Gitz!
via Games Workshop
Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz $40
The Bad Moon is rising on the Mortal Realms – and the grots are marching to war. This battletome allows you to field an army of Gloomspite Gitz – a coalition of Moonclan Grots, Spiderfang Grots, troggoths and gargants united by a love hallucinogenic fungus and heinous violence. Inside this book, you’ll find…
– An in-depth look at the origins, lore and great battles of the Gloomspite Gitz
– A showcase of stunningly painted miniatures – plus tips for painting your own
– Powerful new faction abilities that let you represent the madcap tactics of the Gloomspite Gitz on your tabletop
– Warscrolls and points profiles that let you build any kind of army you want – teeming hordes of grots, scuttling Spider Riders, brutish tribes of troggoths or a mix of the three
– And more!
If you’re looking to spread destruction (or just take on the tabletop with hordes of squigs), Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz is your essential guide.
Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz Limited Edition $80
Bad Moon Loonshrine $60
The Bad Moon Loonshrine is a lynchpin in Gloomspite Gitz armies, disgorging teeming hordes of infantry and emboldening your forces. Hewn from glowing chunks of the Bad Moon itself, these megalithic structures quickly become encrusted with fungi and charged with strange energies. In your games, this invaluable terrain piece makes your units immune to battleshock and even has the chance to return slain grots to the field – and it doesn’t even cost any matched play points!
This kit is supplied in 32 plastic components.
Skragrott the Loonking $35
Skragrott the Loonking is the self-styled overlord the Gloomspite Gitz. His sinister presence upon the field of battle ensures his fellow grots fight with greater spite and cunning than ever.
This magnificent miniature depicts the insane ruler of the Gloomspite Gitz in sumptuous detail, covered in grisly detail, totems, trinkets and fungi. You’ll find this model incredibly rewarding to paint as well as being a fantastic option in a Gloomspite Gitz army thanks to his powerful magical spells and command abilities.
This kit is supplied in 8 components and contains 1 x 60mm oval base.
Squig Hoppers $50
Squig Hoppers bound madly into battle, wreaking havoc on anything they collide with. Each hurtling squig has a cackling grot clinging to its back, flailing wildly at nearby enemies as he tries vainly to steer his weird steed.
Squig Hoppers are unpredictable and mobile, capable of leaping over terrain and enemy units in pursuit of prey. They’re great for catching fleeing foes or chasing down vulnerable units in your opponent’s backline.
Squig riders who have managed to survive more than a single, violently short-lived battle, Boingrot Bounderz wear loon helms and skewer their enemies with wickedly pointed pokin’ lances.
Boingrot Bounderz are mobile and deadly front-line units. They’re fast enough to get stuck into combat quickly – once there, they’ll make short work of their enemies between biting squigs and stabs with their pokin’ lances.
This set builds 10 Squig Hoppers or 10 Boingrot Bounderz, and includes a huge variety of options for customisation. Heads, weapons, riders and squigs are all interchangeable, meaning that no two models need look alike, even in the hugest of hordes.
This kit is supplied in 140 components and contains 10 x 32mm round bases.
Squig Herd $40
Squigs! Little more than mouths with legs and a terrible attitude, these vicious creatures are feared across the Mortal Realms for their rapacious appetites and are often employed by the Gloomspite Gitz on the front lines.
These little monsters are a great choice in your army thanks to their incredible offensive punch – just point them in the vague direction of anything you need bitten, and charge. If you like, you can even field an army of the little monsters in matched play, with Squig Herds being a Battleline option for armies with a Moonclan general. Just imagine the look on your enemies’ faces…
This kit features everything you need to build a herd of 10 squigs, with highly customisable faces. You’ll also get a pair of Squig Herders to motivate your Squig Herds, with four possible variant models, of which you can build two. You’ll also get accessories for basing – including a snail squig…
This kit is supplied in 77 components and contains 12 x 25mm round bases.
Fanatics $40
When the Gloomspite Gitz take to the battlefield, their enemies approach their formations nervously, watchful for the spinning dervishes known as Fanatics.
Armed with a massive ball and chain, Loonsmasha Fanatics are driven loopy with potent fungus brews then unleashed upon the enemy in a whirling storm. Though they inevitably come to grief in the end, Loonsmasha Fanatics cause bloody carnage first.
Spinning madly, Sporesplatta Fanatics swing thwackwheezer puffshrooms attached to heavy metal chains. The spore clouds they generate veil the grot hordes from sight, and invigorate allies even as they choke and blind the foe.
Fanatics are a deadly surprise-attack unit in the Gloomspite Gitz army. Before the game begins, you’ll be able to opt to secretly hide them inside your other units, releasing them for brutal and unexpected attacks.
This kit builds 5 Loonsmasha Fanatics or 5 Sporesplatta Fanatics. This kit is packed with detail as well as a host of spares, including a skeletal squig, mushrooms and a bonus miniature of a grot being sick – perfect for adding some gribbly detail to your chosen bases.
This kit is supplied in 45 components and contains 5 x 32mm round bases and 1 x 25mm round base.
Gloomspite Gitz Grots $35
Moonclan Shootas gather in sizeable skulkmobs that rain black-fletched arrows upon the enemy. They pincushion their victims with sheer weight of fire, before surrounding any survivors and stabbing them viciously to death.
This 20-figure set lets you build a unit of Shootas – the mainline ranged unit of the Gloomspite Gitz army. You’ll find these guys fantastic for holding objectives, wearing down enemies through sheer weight of attacks and generally making a nuisance of themselves.
Inside the set, you’ll find enough stabbas, pokin’ spears and Moon Shields to build a unit of Stabbas, or enough Moonclan bows and slittas to build a unit of Shootas. You’ll also find a choice of Icon Bearers, a Gong Basher, 2 barbed nets and a special stabba for denoting the unit’s Moonclan Boss.
This kit is supplied in 111 Components and contains 20 x 25mm round bases.
Endless Spells: Gloomspite Gitz $35
Harness the full magical might of the Gloomspite Gitz with this set of endless spells – powerful summoned sorceries unique to your faction. In kit, you’ll find everything you need to build all four endless spells.
– The Malevolent Moon: a visage of the Bad Moon itself that disrupts spellcasters and crushes nearby enemies
– Mork’s Mighty Mushroom: a gigantic mushroom that melts hordes with mutating spores
– Scrapskuttle’s Arachnacauldron: a sentient cauldron that enhances the caster’s abilities – for a price
– The Scuttletide: a stinging, biting horde of spiders
This kit is supplied in 15 components and contains 2 x 50mm round bases and 1 x 60mm round base.
Warscroll Cards: Gloomspite Gitz $15
Managing a Gloomspite Gitz army needn’t feel like herding squigs – with these Warscroll Cards, you’ll be able to quickly reference any of your chosen units at a glance. This set contains full warscrolls for all the units and endless spells in Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz – just grab the ones you need for your game, and you’re set! Additionally, you’ll find the included token sheet makes keeping track of ongoing effects, spells and command points simple.
Squig Dice $30
Is any creature more beloved by Warhammer fans than the humble squig? These ravenous creatures have been an iconic part of the 41st Millennium, Mortal Realms and beyond for decades – so we’ve transformed them into dice. Squishy, bouncy, and sculpted to lovingly recreate the visage of Squigs, they’re the perfect accompaniment to any Orks or Gloomspite Gitz army.