L5R RPG: New Adventure Free For Download From FFG

If you’re looking to dive into the Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game and are looking for a place to start check out the free starting adventure “Wedding at Kyotei Castle” right now!
Kicking off a new RPG campaign can be tricky. Thankfully, Fantasy Flight Games has a great new introductory scenario for folks to try out for the L5R RPG. Wedding at Kyotei Castle was first introduced at GenCon 2018 and was designed to help further the story of the L5R universe. Now, you’ll get a chance to run through this adventure with your own group!
Rokugan is a land of choice and consequence. Nowhere has this been truer than at Kyotei Castle, a stronghold in the Golden Valley at the junction of Lion, Crane, and Phoenix lands. While the Lion and Crane clans have been clashing at nearby Toshi Ranbo, echoes of the same struggle have reverberated through Kyotei Castle. Now, a wedding meant to shore up the Crane Clan’s claim on the castle might be the very thing to unravel it. It falls to your samurai to decide the fate of the valley.
Download Wedding at Kyotei Castle HERE
A 30 page PDF, this adventure consists of a roughly 10 pages of backstory and character info and 16 pages of adventuring to do. It’s a great supplement to read if you’re trying to figure out how to stage a game of the L5R RPG. It is designed to be run as a one shot session, but it’s very evident that the repercussions of the event will send ripples all through the lands of Rokugan.
If you’re the type of person that is into spoilers you can read-up on the full adventure and learn how the events unfolded at GenCon 2018 from FFG’s full article HERE.
Core Rulebook $49.95
At 336 pages, The Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Core Rulebook allows gamemasters and players to enter the world of Rokugan like never before. The Core Rulebook is the next step for players after the Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Beginner Box, and offers players new ways to customize their characters and craft their own adventures in the Emerald Empire.
Action, intrigue, adventure…it all awaits you in the Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game!